Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Miranda's POV

Water distorts and tears fall. Your perception of yourself could be different day to day. But it is important to find that thing, that person that you can hold onto. Find your clarity. Find your passion, or all will be lost.


"Will you stay awhile Lassie?" Balin asked.

"Yes, I will stay for a bit," I replied, smiling at the dwarf as we walked together into a different hall.

"Miranda!" Kili called as we entered the banquet room. "You came!"

I smiled softly at the young dwarf. "Yes."

Dain called for attention, "Let us raise our glasses and our voices! To Thorin! Slayer of the Defiler!"

"Here, here!" Tankards were raised in the air and chugged. The laughing and merriment continued as people shared stories and food.

Kili began to drag me to Dain, the dwarf king looked up and spoke, "Hello, I hear that you helped to protect the line of Durin."

"Oh, I didn't do all that much," I told him, looking down, embarrassed.

"Not much? Why you saved two young dwarves!" Dain exclaimed.

"I just did what anyone would have done," I said.

"You have saved my brethren! After the festivities, please pick out your reward." He offered.

I bowed, "Thank you for your kindness."


The banquet in honor of Thorin was wonderous. Food, ale, and stories being passed around everywhere you looked. More times than I can count did someone come up to ask me how Thorin slayed Azog the Defiler. I'm pretty sure Fili and Kili know the story by heart now.

"How well do you drink?" A random dwarf asked me, passing me a cup.

"Hmm, I suppose we will have to find out," I said.

The dwarf laughed, "A woman right after my own heart!" He raised his tankard then promptly passed out. I looked down at him for a moment before I made my way back to the table with Fili and Kili.

I sat down next to Tauriel. She looked right at home with Kili, but she did look a bit out of it. "Dwarf customs tiring you out already?" I asked.

She looked at me and smiled, "It is sure going to take some getting used to."

"So, you are staying here then?" I asked her.

She nodded, "Yes, for a while at least. Then we might go to Rivendell. Where will you go?"

"I need to return home, but I think I will visit some places and people along the way. I think I will also head back to Rivendell. There is something I must speak to Lord Elrond about." I replied.

Elf of Fire and Light: Book 2: WaterWhere stories live. Discover now