Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

Miranda's POV

It had been eight months since the battle that would later be known as The Battle of the Five Armies, seven months since I had arrived in Rivendell, and five months since Aysukoriay had been hatched. I spent more time outside with her now. She was beginning to show signs of a molt.

Dragons molted whenever their scales changed color, which was usually only once or twice in their lifetimes, but they shed when they grow. The signs were similar, so it was important to pay attention to the dragon's age.

Ever since the day I had introduced Ash to Lord Elrond and the others, they had started doing everything in their power to make sure she did not end up like Smaug. Elrond taught her geography and history, Arwen taught her compassion and kindness, Kili taught her geology, and Tauriel taught her fighting. I taught her how to behave. It was hard at first because I had to teach her to go against her nature of stealing and hording, but now she was quite proficient in behavior. But she still was unable to produce human speech.

"Naneth?" She asked me during a lesson, "When can I learn how to speak aloud?"

"You need to have already completed your first molt," I responded, looking up from my book.

"When will that be?" She asked impatiently.

I looked at her scales, they were peeling away from her skin but were still attached to her. "Hmm," I said. "It should be completed in about a week."

"Really?" Ash asked, her golden eyes sparkling.

"Really," I replied with a soft smile.


About a week later, I woke to a patch of transparent milky-white skin on my face. I lifted it off and found Aysukoriay rubbing against the edge of the bed, trying to get rid of her peeling skin.

Leaving her to her business, I got up and got ready. Isoye had stopped coming into my room in the mornings on account of her angering a baby dragon. It made me sad that they didn't get off on right foot or in this case, claw, but I promised myself that I would properly introduce them once Aysukoriay had molted.

I pulled on an A-line, maroon dress that had off the shoulder straps. It also had a layer of lace on top in the same color and the hem of the dress kissed the floor. I touched the two necklaces that I almost never took off before pulling my hair into a braid. I pulled on a pair of black flats and opened the curtains.

I heard a small hiss from behind me and turned to see that Aysukoriay had managed to peel off more skin, revealing something shining underneath.

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