Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Miranda's POV

I wandered around with Kili following me. I would pick something up and then put it back down. This reminded me of the time Smaug asked me to look for the 'crowning jewel' for my horde.

I continued looking, lost in thought, until Kili asked, "What are you looking for?"

"Something simple," I replied. "Preferably jade, opal, or moonstone." When I saw the odd look in his eyes I clarified, "I find them soothing."

"Alright, bracelet, ring, necklace, hair ornament?" He asked steering me deeper in.

"Um," I thought about it for a moment. "Anything but a ring."

"Right," He said, leading me away from a basket of rings. "Between the last three, which two?"

"Bracelet or hair ornament," I responded without thinking.

He nodded and showed me where I should be searching before backing up again.

There were many beautiful pieces. A comb made of white jade inlayed with moonstone in the shape of flowers. There was a necklace with an imperial jade pendent in the shape of a flying dragon. I pulled out a bracelet with black jade and opal inlay in a geometric pattern. I turned it around in my hands, feeling the smoothness of the piece and watching the colors bounce around.

After a while, I placed it back down and kept looking. My eyes trailed back to it once or twice, but I really did want something simple. I pulled out an ivory hair pin with pale coral, five-petal flowers surrounded by mountain and imperial jade. There were teardrop shapes falling off and three 'drips' made of white jade attached by green silk thread and tiny chains. I placed it next to the black jade and opal bracelet.

I hadn't realized it at the time, but I had made a pile of pieces that I had liked. Kili had noticed as well as Balin, who had come to sit next to him. I didn't know why they found this so interesting, but I didn't ask. Instead, I picked up a white jadeite bracelet, regarding it closely, I could see it had no impurities, and it was simple, no writing, or carvings, just itself, in its natural beauty. I twirled it around in my fingers, feeling its cold, soapy surface. I went to put it down, but instead I turned around.

Kili and Balin were regarding me quizzically. "Lass," Balin began, "I'm not sure you want that one. It used to have a pair, but it got lost when Smaug attacked the mountain. Not carrying the pair could bring you bad luck."

I smiled at him, "I want this one."

"Why did you want something simple?" Kili asked me.

My smile faltered, "Thorin. He was rough around the edges at first, but when you got to know him, he was soft, yet fiercely loyal. He was courageous and just, at the start of the journey he showed me that he would rule with the compassion and wisdom beyond his years and that of his forbearers. He was as modest and simple as this white jade bracelet. There was never a finer dwarf."

They were both silent for some time, but I did not speak further. I just slipped the bracelet on my wrist and twirled my fingertips around it.

"There is no higher praise," Balin spoke, his voice choked. "Thank you, Lass."

Elf of Fire and Light: Book 2: WaterWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt