Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

Third POV

Bilbo turned in early and bade her goodnight. He allowed her to stay for the night because when they had called Rochben over so Miranda could pack and leave, Rochben was limping. Bilbo surmised that he had stepped in a rabbit or goffer hole while he was out grazing. Thus, Miranda was allowed to spend the night.

The crickets chirped merrily, and bats shrieked in the night. Small night creatures scuttered about and Miranda heard an owl hoot. She tossed and turned on the small couch and eventually gave up and went outside to check on Rochben.

When she saw him, he was standing on all four hooves. "Rochben?" She asked, warning in her voice.

He whinnied and lifted his left foreleg with a snort.

"You aren't really injured, are you?" Miranda accused.

Rochben tentatively placed his left hoof down and whinnied lifting it up again.

"Alright, alright," Miranda said, stroking his face. "Don't hurt yourself."

He huffed and turned his face away from her. She reached down to feel his leg again and he bit the air near her hand. Miranda pulled her hand away and placed her hands at her sides. Rochben huffed again and nodded his head toward the hobbit hole.

"Alright," Miranda whispered to him. "I'll go to bed."

She quietly stepped inside, closed the door and locked it before climbing back under the blanket. She closed her eyes and listened to the night music as it lulled her to sleep.

She awoke to the change in nature. Birds chirped outside the window and the wind blew through the trees. Just as the sun was starting to peek over the hills, clouds covered the sky and thunder rumbled overhead. The darkened room flashed as lightning streaked across the sky. Bilbo ambled into the room and jumped when a loud clap of thunder sounded.

Bilbo insisted on serving Miranda first, second, and third breakfast before discussing her leaving, stating it wouldn't be right to send her off without something in her belly. But when the rain pelted the ground, he heated up the fire and offered her a warm cup of cider.

"'Tis best to wait until the storm lets up a bit," Bilbo stated good-naturedly. "Rochben is injured after all."

"Thank you," Miranda said. "I greatly appreciate it."

The hobbit smiled, "Think nothing of it." He smiled wider and added, "Rain makes me think of the journey, it was quite an adventure for me. I never really thought I would go on one."

Miranda smiled at him indulgently, "Which part was the most adventurous part of the adventure?"

Bilbo thought for a bit before replying, "The barrel riding. First, I had to steal the keys, then I had to collect the dwarves and make sure they remained silent. That was a task in of itself."

The She-Elf chuckled, "I bet."

"After everyone was in the barrels, I pulled a leaver and they all fell down a chute, I followed them and found myself soaked to the bone in icy river water. As we bobbed through the river, we were dodging orcs and elves alike. Then in the same barrels, we were transported to Laketown. The barrels had to be filled with fish so as to not draw too much attention. I didn't get that fishy smell out of my clothes for months after I returned. Even after many washes."

Miranda scrunched up her nose, "Yuck, I'm glad I wasn't there for that."

"How did you cross the lake anyway?" Bilbo asked curiosity filing his eyes.

"Rochben carried me across and we walked along the other side. Then he carried me into Laketown," She replied.

"Do you remember coming to visit me and going on little adventures with me?" He asked, eyes unfocused and tone mild.

"I do," Miranda smiled. "We would always come back here covered in mud somehow." The two of them laughed together, remembering fishing, rainy days, sneaking past Bag End and trying to get as far as Bree before supper. They never made it that far. "Why did you stop wanting to go on adventures?"

Bilbo sighed and looked down, "I was out one day, I was trying to get to Bree again, but when I got back, my parents were gone. I had sworn off adventures after that, afraid to miss someone else's death. But I'm glad I was a part of the Journey to Erebor."

"I'm so sorry," Miranda whispered. "I shouldn't have asked."

Bilbo smiled sadly, "Don't be." They were both silent for some time before Bilbo got up and grabbed a wooden box off the mantel. He opened it and inside was the ring he had picked up in the Goblin Tunnels. "Why are you so obsessed with this?" He asked.

"Because it is evil," Miranda replied, recoiling when he took it out of the box.

"But it is such a small thing. How can such a thing be so evil?" Bilbo asked.

"Because it only answers to one master," Miranda replied icily.

"Who?" Bilbo questioned.

"The evil one. Sauron." The She-Elf's voice was hard.

"Sauron fell long ago, even we hobbits know that." Bilbo huffed irritably.

Miranda shook her head. "That ring is still evil. It twists those who attempt to use it."

"And what would you have me do about that?" The hobbit snapped.

Miranda's eyes steeled and she spoke in a cold voice. "Destroy it."

Bilbo stared at the ring in silence for some time. He listened to it whisper to him, beg him to put it on. "You may have it after I am dead." He stated finally.

"But!" Miranda started. Hoping to make him reconsider.

"You may have it after I am dead, or you may not have it at all!" Bilbo yelled. They were both silent as he breathed heavily for some time.

"Already it changes you," Miranda whispered sadly. "It is reversable, all you have to do is..."

"No!" Bilbo snarled, shutting the ring in the wooden box and holding it tightly to his chest. "It is precious! You will have to pry it out of my cold dead hands for it is mine!"

"Bilbo!" Miranda exclaimed appalled as she witnessed for but a moment a flicker of darkness in his appearance.

"I think it best that you leave," Bilbo spat.

"But what about Rochben?" Miranda asked as another crack of thunder sounded outside.

"You will have to walk him to Bree," Bilbo said chillingly. "I will not have a would-be thief in my home a moment longer."

"You will regret this," Miranda stated, eyes blazing gold.

"So be it," Bilbo whispered, tossing her things at her and locking the door behind her.

Miranda sighed, looking back at the door through the pouring rain and whispered, "Namarié melonin."

Elf of Fire and Light: Book 2: WaterWhere stories live. Discover now