Chapter 65

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Chapter 65

Isoye's POV

I carried fresh towels to the chosen guest room. Outside the door, Aysukoriay is sitting down, guarding the door, her tail thumping excitedly on the wood floors.

"Isoye!" She exclaimed, wagging her tail. "Are they here?"

"No, not yet. I'm just adding some last few things to the room," I stated, gesturing to my hands.

Aysu's tail drooped and her head lowered. "Oh. Okay." She circled her spot and sat back down.

"It's okay, they'll be here soon," I soothed, patting her head. She nodded and I entered the dimly-lit room. "Goodness, I need to light some candles." I muttered.

Little light entered the room making it appear dark. The wooden wardrobe and desk were recently polished and stocked with parchment and ink. The bed was made up into a cream and brown bed-spread with a small stack of books on the nightstand. It was set up as if it was used recently, but in reality, this room is rarely used. The wardrobe hung open and a man in armor stood, inspecting the design.

"It's good quality, isn't it?" I asked, breaking the silence. When he turned around, I had wished I had held my tongue. "Nrimir," I whispered.

"Isoye," he stated, voice clipped, face stoic.

"I'm just finishing up preparations," I told him, feeling the need to explain myself for some reason.

"I see," he stated. "Carry on then."

As I worked, I could feel his eyes following me. I wished he would stop staring, or at least say something.

Suddenly, there was a commotion outside. Nrimir jumped to attention and drew his knives. He placed a finger to his lips and inched toward the door. He reached for the doorknob and turned; it didn't budge.

"Somethings blocking the door," he whispered.

"Let me help," I said, together, we tried to push the door open but to no avail.

"It's no use," Nrimir sighed. We'll have to wait until someone comes to get us.

"What!" I exclaimed. "But this part of the palace is barely used, how long will it take for someone to notice we're missing?!"

"The Princess's guest should be here soon so it shouldn't take too long." He reassured me.

I nodded and silence descended on us until I opened my mouth to ask, "Do you disapprove of me too?"

"I beg your pardon?" Nrimir asked his face a mask of confusion.

"Your parents disapprove of me because I'm a maid," I took a deep breath. "Do you disapprove of me too?"

Nrimir ran a hand through his blonde hair and exhaled. "No."

"But surely you must find fault with some part of me. You said nothing while your parents..." I let my sentence fall short.

"Trust me, if I disapproved of you, you would never have even met my parents," he stated surely, staring unblinkingly into my eyes.

"Then why?" I questioned.

"Why did I sit and watch while my parents dug into you about being a maid?" He offered.

"And why did you avoid me after? Why didn't you end things properly?" I finished.

"Who said I wanted to end things?" He asked.

"You want to listen to your parents and not date me, so you avoid me. But you also want to date me, so you don't end things," I thought aloud. "You can't have it both ways!"

"I know. I was just waiting for the position to be approved, it was supposed to be a surprise," Nrimir confessed.

"What position?" I questioned.

"Lady in Waiting to the Princess of Lorien," He answered.

"But how is that possible?! I am but a lowly commoner, how can I be Lady-in-Waiting to the Princess?!" I exclaimed aghast.

"The Princess herself requested it. I was going to tell you everything after it was finalized." He admitted. "As for why I was avoiding you, I told my parents I wouldn't leave you. So, they threatened to get you kicked out of the palace. I couldn't let you lose your job; it's your home and it is where all your friends are."

I stared at him. "Why didn't I know about this?"

Nrimir looked confused, "I thought you did?"

I shook my head, "No, definitely not."

Nrimir frowned, "But did you not ask Miranda for her help?" I blinked. "She came to me asking what was going on. She was furious. She and Tauriel came up with the idea. I wasn't aware that you weren't informed."

I gaped at him. "Why wait to tell me?"

"Well," came a voice from the doorway. "It was supposed to be a surprise. It's not everyday that I get to award someone with a title." I spun around to see Miranda leaning against the doorframe. "The chat seems to have gone well so my work here is done."

"Wait a minute?! Did you lock us in here?!" I exclaimed.

She shrugged, "Happy accident."

"Was there even a guest?!" I shouted at her.

"Not anymore!" She stated and bolted when she saw the look on my face.

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