Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Miranda's POV

Over the next week, Thranduil helped when he could. I made so much progress. If I ever did hatch this egg, then I would know what to do in almost any situation. However, I was no closer to finding out what type of egg I had. Sometimes I felt like the unhatched dragon knew more than me. Maybe it did.

I picked up the egg in my hands. The familiar hum entered my head. "What element are you?" I asked it.

"Luna," it responded.

"Luna?" I asked. It repeated my name over and over again until I had to put it down. I stared at the radiant egg. "Your element couldn't be the moon could it?" I asked it. "No, that wouldn't make since. Maybe it is water? But what if I am wrong?"

"You won't know until you try," a voice said. I jumped, nearly dropping the egg in the process. I spun around and looked at Thranduil, I had forgotten he was in here.

His words sunk in. Why don't I try? "Why didn't I think of that?!" I exclaimed. "If I use the non-elemental hatching method, then I can't go wrong!" I got up and ran towards the door, but my hand stopped before it touched the latch. "Should I?" I asked no one in particular. "If I do this, I cannot take it back." I turned back and sat down. Plopping my head on the table.

"Careful!" Thranduil warned. I only groaned in response. "I don't know why you spent so much time looking for the answers if you weren't going to hatch it in the end. Are you simply using it to avoid something?"

I tensed. "You're right," I sighed.

"So, you are avoiding something?" Thranduil asked.

I nodded. "I don't want to go home. I don't even know where home is anymore," I mumbled. I sighed again and stood up. "Do you want to help me set up hatching it?"

Thranduil stood up and walked out the library door with me.


"You're going to do what?!" Lord Elrond asked.

"We're going to hatch the dragon egg," I repeated.

"I wouldn't advise it," he said.

"If you didn't agree with it, why did you let me research it all this time?!" I exclaimed.

"Because I needed to keep an eye on you. The Lady Galadriel would kill me if something happened to you," Elrond promptly replied. I flinched. "You shouldn't hatch this egg."

"Why?" I asked, ignoring my guilt. "It is better to hatch it now then to wait for it to fall into enemy hands!" His look remained hard. "Please, Brother?"

Elrond looked into my eyes and gave in. "Alright, what do you need?"

I smiled brightly. "I need a shovel, a bowl of water, and kindling." Lord Elrond nodded and left.

"Are you sure about doing this?" Arwen asked nervously. "If you hatch it, it is not like you can just put it back in its shell if you find it to be too much for you."

"I can do this," I said confidently. "I have to." She nodded and said nothing more. "Arwen?" I asked.

"Hmm?" She turned to look at me.

"Can you and Tauriel get two blankets and a large basket then meet me in the clearing? You know which one." I more ordered than asked. She nodded. "Dad," I said, turning to Thranduil. "Will you please go collect some milkweed and thistles?" He nodded and motioned for his guards to follow him. I was left alone in the hallway but not for long.

"Princess?" A woman's voice asked.

I turned around and smiled, "Isoye."

"What's going on?" She asked looking around at the bustling people.

"I'm going to hatch something. Would you like to come?" I asked, holding my hand out to her.

"But my duties..." She trailed off.

"You can do them tomorrow and if you run into any problems with your superiors, you can come to me," I said.

She stood there for a moment, thinking, then she placed her hand in mine. "It would be an honor My Lady," she said bowing.

"None of that now," I said sternly. "Call me by my name."

She smiled softly, "Luna."

Elf of Fire and Light: Book 2: WaterWhere stories live. Discover now