Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Miranda's POV

"Do you have everything you need Lassie?" Balin asked me.

I nodded, "Yes, I believe so."

"Not so fast there," Bofur said, coming over with a chest overflowing with jewels. He was closely followed by Dwalin and the others. Dwalin was carrying a small jewelry box.

"What's that?" I asked.

"This is your share of the treasure," Bofur replied.

"And this is a little something to remember us by," Dwalin responded, passing me the jewelry box.

"Can I open it?" I asked.

"Of course, Lassie!" Balin exclaimed. "They are yours after all!"

I lifted the latch and opened the box. Inside were all of the jewelries that I had liked. "What? How? Why?" I asked, not even able to formulate proper sentences.

There were resounding chuckles from the surrounding company.

"It's just a little something to remember us by," Balin replied.

"Did you know that you were piling the ones that you liked?" Kili asked me.

I immediately turned pink. "I didn't..." I let the sentence hang. The dwarves chuckled again.

"I-I can't accept this. It is too much. I already have my share of the treasure. Besides, an Elf's memory is long." I said, closing the box and trying to give it back.

"Yes, you can," Fili responded, pushing the box back at me. "These are gifts."

"It's not like we're going to be using them," Dwalin added.

"You could," I replied.

Dwalin raised his eyebrow at me and opened his mouth and retorted, "Do I really look like the type that would put flowers in my hair?"

I giggled a little at the mental image, "I don't know. I think you would look good with flowers in your hair."

He narrowed his eyes and growled playfully at me, "Why you-!"

"Please accept them Lass?" Balin pleaded.

I looked into his eyes and gave in, I seemed to be doing a lot of that lately. "I accept."

The dwarves sighed. "You are a tough one to convince," Dwalin said.

"I thought we would have to stuff it into your pack if you didn't agree," Kili joked.

I offered a half smile, dwarves and dragons could be so similar. "Sorry," I spoke softly.

"Don't be Lass. It is refreshing for someone to refuse gold and gems," He responded sincerely.

I smiled around at all of them and placed my new jewelry box in my saddlebags. The dwarves decided that me riding bareback made them nervous and mentioned that I wouldn't be able to carry everything. I talked Rochben into it and now he was equipped with a saddle and everything.

I turned around and hugged each dwarf in turn. When I got to Bofur, I took the chest from him and strapped it to Rochben.

"Does that feel alright?" I asked him quietly. He gave me a look that said, 'I can carry way more than this. Load me up!' I chuckled.

I gasped in surprise as I felt fourteen pairs of arms around me.

"Group hug!" Tauriel cried.

I laughed and cuddled up to them. After some time, they pulled away. I nodded to everyone. "Farewell."

I noticed Balin tearing up. "Don't cry, Balin. It's not goodbye after all."

He nodded and with that, I took off. Riding towards Mirkwood.

Elf of Fire and Light: Book 2: WaterWhere stories live. Discover now