Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Miranda's POV

For the next week, I stayed with Beorn, catching up, working, and having fun. But after a little over a week, I started to get the distinct feeling that he wanted to be left alone now.

"Beorn?" I asked him. We were at the dinner table just before he had to go out to shift for the night.

"Yes?" He replied.

"I think I will be leaving tomorrow or the day after," I informed him. "Is that alright with you?"

"Of course, it is!" He exclaimed. "You may come and go as you please."

"Thank you Beorn, you have been an impeccable host," I told him.

"Thank you for being my guest! I really enjoy the company from time to time," He replied in a gruff, happy tone.

We were silent for some time. "Beorn?" I asked again.

"Hmm?" He responded, looking up at me as he chewed.

"My offer still stands you know," I said. When I saw his confused expression, I looked pointedly at his shackles. "If you want me to remove those, I would be glad to."

He hummed, "Let me think about it."


Before I knew it, two days had passed, and it was time for me to go.

"Miranda?" He called, as I was packing up Rochben's saddle. I turned around as he held out his shackles to me. "Remove them."

"Are you certain?" I asked him. "Once they are off, they will not be going back on."

He was still for a moment before he nodded. "I'm sure."

With that, I cupped my hands around my mouth and breathed fire onto the cuff. The metal became hot and Beorn started to howl in pain. I placed my hands on the cuff and tore it off. The metal felt warm in my hands and I held it for a moment longer than I needed to before working on the other. Within no time, both cuffs were off and hissing inside the bucket of water he had brought over.

"You should run your wrists in cold water and-" He cut me off with a hug.

"Thank you, I had forgotten what it was like to move without making a sound." He told me.

I nodded at him. "I'm glad I could help."

After a moment or two more, he let go of me, "You should go while you still have the sun."

I nodded and mounted Rochben. I turned and waved at him before riding off in the direction of Rivendell.

Elf of Fire and Light: Book 2: WaterWhere stories live. Discover now