S3 Chapter 7: Galactic Gumshoes

ابدأ من البداية

Vanilla: (On the other line: Vector, is that you?)

Vector: (blushing) Ah, Cream's mother. How have you been.

Vanilla: I'm calling because I need your help.

Vector: My agency is at your service, ma'am.

Vanilla: I'd like to explain the job to you in person.

Vector: Sure! We'll come over right away.

He hung up and Charmy started to laugh.

Vector: What are you laughing at?!

Charmy broke out into tears.

Vector: Hey, don't cry.

Charmy stopped crying.

Charmy: Okay.

Vector: Now, where's Espio?

Charmy: He's right there.

Charmy pointed to a corner where Espio was meditating.

Vector: Get me the Peppermill.

Charmy: Sure, boss.

Vector started drizzling pepper onto Espio which made him sneeze.

Espio: Can't you buy an alarm clock?


They were at Mystic Ruin with all the stuff.

Vanilla: All of this suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Chris and Helen's families must have sent their belongings. They're traveling in space with Cream and Y/n. I was hoping you could deliver these things to their ship. And please check on my children. I've been worried about them.

Vector: Don't worry, ma'am! We'll take care of it no problem.

Espio: Vector.

Vector: What's the matter?

Espio: We can't do this job.

Vector: How come?

Espio: If you think we're cruising the Galaxy without a ship, you're spaced out.

Vector: Where can we get a ship?

Just as he said that, a big, red ship fell from the sky.

Charmy: Looks like that problems solved.

Vanilla: I hope you boys have a safe trip.

Back on the Blue Typhoon.

Y/n: All right, Cream. Let's try this one more time.

Cream: Right.

Cream used her scarf as a blind fold.

Cream: Ready when you are.

Y/n: All right, Chaos, let her have it.

Chaos started using his whips to lash at Cream who despite getting a few small scratches, was able to dodge them all.

Y/n: Well done, Cream. You can take your scarf down.

Cream slipped down her scarf and jumped in joy.

Cream: Yay! Yay!

Chaos: Outstanding as always, Lady Cream.

Cream: I told you to just call me Cream.

Chaos: Right. Apologies.

Star went into the training room with Cheese behind her.

Star: I heard Cream shouting in celebration. What happened?

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