🟢🐢 -} Special Things

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🔵- LEO

- loves to have conversations that last forever! it doesn't matter if it's three in the morning or two in the afternoon; leo is one hundred percent down for a long conversation about something that absolutely does not matter.

- is the type of guy to hold on to your backpack in order to not lose you in a crowd

- despite him being the most prominent flirter on the team, he does genuinely attempt to get better for you lmao

- calls you bro/dude (along with other nicknames, of course, but the two of you find it hilarious)

- uses fancy little words because he thinks it makes him sound smart

- his love language (preferred way you give him love): quality time/physical touch

- will return with: words of affirmation + physical touch

- BRAGS ABOUT YOU. all the time!!

- you two have movie nights weekly

🔴 - RAPH

- enjoys taking you to drive-in's! especially on cooler nights; he likes to wrap you up in a warm blanket and watch the movie from afar :)

- sends you every single video or post he finds on social media that remind him of you

- he loves organizing surprise picnics for you in scenic, comfortable locations, complete with snacks and a cozy blanket!

- his love language (preferred way you give him love): words of affirmation + physical touch

- will return with: acts of service + words of affirmation

- raph and you have a weekly check-in to discuss both your relationship and mental well-being! he wants to ensure that everything he does is okay for you, and vice versa.

- is gentle beyond words.

- lets you have his stuffed animals to sleep with if you're having troubles sleeping

- writes affirmations (in not permanent marker) on your mirror every morning before you wake up



- sends you friendly & loving reminders throughout the day. donnie will leave little notes around everywhere on post-it notes (or maybe it might just be a text message!) reminding you to eat, drink some water, and take care of yourself!

- loves to dance in the rain

- has studied botany and sends you flowers with particular meanings to them

- is a SUCKER for stargazing. he's not particularly a fan of waking up early and watching the sun rise, but watching the sunset and pointing out constellations? yes.

- takes heavy interest in your interests!

- is a very good listener; he loves it when you listen to his own rambles. he thinks of it as a tiny little exchange; if you listen to him and ask questions about his nonsense, he'll more than happily ask about yours!

- has some SERIOUS poetic rizz. seriously.


Like the vast expanse of an azure canvas, your presence paints the sky of my existence with hues of infinite wonder and breathtaking serenity. Your dulcet tones resonate deeply within my soul, composing a symphony of bliss and elation. Each gentle whisper, a caress of adoration and elegance, infuses my heart with fervent affection. My love for you transcends all limits, boundless and eternal.

- but at the same time, also has some absolutely awful science rizz


Are you made of copper and tellurium? Because you're Cu-Te

- we should also note that he would absolutely never say this in person- only in his litte notes that he sends

- his love language (preferred way you give him love): words of affirmation + quality time

- will return with: gift giving + acts of service


- loves using you as a model for his art! sometimes he'll paint you on the canvas, and sometimes you are the canvas! he tends to get a bit carried away with the paint and ends up painting alllll over your arms.

- brings you breakfast in bed very often

- has playlists upon playlists of songs that make him think of you

-he will always be searching for and printing off your favorite pictures, movie tickets, and mementos that hold sentimental value. then, mikey will put them in an artistic and unique arrangement, adding captions, illustrations, and brief narratives to a scrapbook to later give you as a present!

- likes to mess with your hair

- buys the two of you matching pajamas for special occasions (which, to make more often, he'll include days like "national lovers' day", or even small holidays such as "national donut day")

- his love language (preferred way you give him love): physical touch + quality time

- will return with: quality time + acts of service

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they all let you wear their hoodies; regardless of how cold they are 👍

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