🟠-} Happy Birthday

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hello! enjoy the chapter, friends :)

words: 1052

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The sun had just started to set. The clock struck seven; which marked about five more hours until everyone had officially missed your birthday. (Y/N) had convinced herself that it wasn't a big deal. You were a teenager; it was time to start letting go! However, when everyone else was celebrating their own entertaining and special holiday, it could be frustrating. Situations like these happened all the time when you were younger. By now it was simply an annual way to keep track of the passing hours, which did nothing more than cause one more day to end.

You were laying in bed, casually browsing through your phone. In a popular social media app, the feed was filled with video clips of groups enjoying themselves whilst on vacation. Several of them were having a blast in the sea, embracing the tropical lifestyle. Another assortment of individuals got front-row tickets to a loud, energetic concert. Everyone was expected to be out doing something. And yet, here you were, doing nothing but scrolling.

Out of the blue, a knock emanated from your open bedroom window. The knock itself was useless; the turtle was identifiable just from the pattern!

"Hey, Mikey! What are you doing here?" You watched as the orange turtle climbed into your room and sat on the windowsill. His grin was wider than the sun itself.

"I told ya' already, buttercup! Didn't you get my message?" His head tilted in curiosity.

"No. What's up?"

The reptile seemed slightly disappointed at your response. He had imagined that you'd be a bit more enthusiastic; it was your birthday, after all!

"Did you actually think I'd forget? Besides, can't a turtle come over unannounced every once in a while just to see his girlfriend?" He brought out a tiny gift from behind his back. It was wrapped in orange, pink and blue wrapping. "And once you invite me in, I'll make some cake for you, too!"

Mikey hopped in your room, quickly pecking a kiss on the rosy depths of your cheek. His eyes connected with yours. "It's a day all about you, angel! I wouldn't miss it for the world."

It was nearly impossible not to smile! The turtle's birthday greeting was exactly what you had needed to cheer up. You were grateful that, of all the others, it was he who remembered the special date. "Ah, Mikey! You didn't have to!" He quickly brushed off your statement. "Thank you, lovebug. So... what is it?"

"Open it!" He leaned in a bit further, almost daring you to object. You giggled at the sudden affection Mikey started to give you, peppering your face with soft and gentle kisses all over.

"AH- okay, okay, I will!" You hold the gift in your hands, the wrapping paper smooth and crinkly beneath your fingers. You tear it open eagerly, your heart racing with anticipation. Inside, you find a beautiful painting of a sunset, with vibrant oranges, pinks, and purples blending together in a stunning display of color. The details are exquisite, with each brushstroke adding depth and texture to the scene.

"I remember how you like to take pictures of the sunset, so I figured you might like one to hang on your wall.....?" Mikey's tone was stiff; he was anxious about how you would react to his homemade present.

"It's absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much, Mikey! I love it!" You smiled from ear to ear, admiring the gift as Mikey happily watched you with his dilated eyes.

Once you take in the magnificence of the painting, you can't help but feel in awe. This masterpiece was obviously created with all of the artist's heart and soul. You run your fingers over the canvas, feeling the rough texture of the acrylic paint beneath your fingertips.

"You're the best artist I know, Mike. Even better than the one you were named after!" Mikey blushed at your spoken statement. He loved you with all his heart, and he wanted you to know at each and every cost.

"I'm glad you like it! Now, stay right here! I'm gonna to go make your birthday cake. Strawberry with vanilla icing, just the way you like it!" His voice was smooth and sweet, just like his personality. Mikey jumped up from alongside you and dashed into your kitchen.

A small grin came across your face. He would really do anything for you, wouldn't he?

Oh, that adorable little reptile. Yes, he would.

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As soon as the oven dinged, Mikey called your name. He had baked you a beautiful pink, strawberry cake with vanilla icing, and he even cut the cake into the shape of a heart! All he needed now was his missing piece; you.

"Alright, buttercup- I'm finished! You can come see!"

The simple sound of his voice made you ecstatic to see what he had created, all for you. You dashed along the delicious fruit-scented corridor, only to be stopped by your boyfriend.

"Wait! Can I cover your eyes? I want it to be a surprise. I got candles and everything for it, baby!"

Of course, you were fine with that. He was such a romantic! You nodded vigorously in approval as he draped his fingers over your eyelids, blinding you of any form of light. Mikey guided you over to the table, pulling out a chair for you to sit down in.

"You ready, angel?" He got up from the table, bringing over the cake with a delicious aroma.

A smile formed across your lips, knowing exactly what to expect. Your boyfriend had always been quite the artist. You trusted him to remember all of your special days, just like the turtle had. You knew that he could conjure up anything he desired, and still be able to perfect it with no flaws! Mikey drew back his hand. The candlelight from the cake reflected off of the heavily furnished room, highlighting its details and making the setting look all the more magical.

You took a minute away from the beautiful cake and glanced at the box turtle on the side.

"Thank you, Mikey. I love it. I truly do."

Your boyfriend gazed deep into your eyes. He leaned forward, kissing you softly on the lips. An emotion often compared to lightning felt almost like it was flowing between the two of you, as if you were made of electricity alone.

"Happy Birthday, buttercup."


words: 1046

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