🟢🐢 -} discovering that they're in love

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🔵- LEO

- tries his absolute HARDEST to be more around you.

- executes so many acts of love.

for instance, ladies first, opening the door for you, grabbing your items when you need to set them down ; he wishes that he could do everything for you!!

- the first time he felt these feelings towards you, he visited donnie's lab and refused to stop bugging him until he explained what was happening. since then, leo has been slowly learning and teaching himself ways that he could possibly confess

- once he finally found the courage to reveal his hidden affection for you, it's quite obvious that he began to flirt 10x more than he was already. maybe even a bigger number, if you will.

🔴 - RAPH

- you've caught him staring a couple of times. no question.

- the longer the feeling of unconfessed love continued, the more embarrassed raph was to be around you! despite where you were at or who you were with, he always thought that he might accidentally say something that would make you dislike him or would push you away from him.

- so much as giving raph a HUG gives him a face redder than his mask.

- he is more than willing to help with your every-day chores and activities! in fact, if there's something you've been dreading doing, consider it done. helping out and/or acts of service are always available when ya' need em'!


- hates it at first. questions if what he's feeling is actually love. maybe it's just some misconception? false diagnosis? he doesn't want to admit it, but he knows what he's feeling is true.

- overtime, he'll start to open up. donnie will begin to leave signs that he has a small crush towards you. leaving flowers with certain meanings, sometimes leaves anonymous romantic notes ( you know it's him just by the handwriting , though ! ) , and will share his projects and tech with you.

- when it comes to you, donnie pays attention to the little things! he'll remember the small details and recall them in later conversations. it makes you feel special :)

- he totally smiles at you when you're not looking. and leo 100% harasses him all the time for it.


- being the cook of the family, he starts a little schedule where he'll bring you treats at some point in the week! one time, it was cookies- the next, it was some tiny cupcakes with your favorite color as the icing! eventually, this would be how he confessed. possibly with a note at the bottom of the tin- possibly with a heart shaped dessert! that's up to you ;)

( or maybe another part. who knows. lmao )

- if there was ever a situation where it came to the two of you alone, he'd stutter sometimes making conversation. when it was silent, all he would be able to think about is you!

- mikey. LOVES. it. when you smile. it's his favorite thing when he gets to see his crush happy.

( p.s. he'll only fall harder if it was because of him !)

- he loves the way you express yourself. here and there, the orange turtle will subtly attempt to mimic your body language. whether that be if you move your hands around when you talk, or if you swing back and forth on your feet when bored. he likes to study your social language so he can get closer to you at any given chance.

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