🖤🐢 -} 🔪 tactics 🔪

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🖤🔵- LEO

- biggest. stalker. ever. do not underestimate him- leo will and will not hesitate to learn every little bit and piece of information about you. blackmail, threats, and manipulation are his strong suit. after getting suspicious of possible stalker activity, leo always finds a way to get the victim alone. then, he strikes. it should be noted that this certain blue turtle will never strike off someone for no reason- so, either he was hired to do it, or he has something serious against them. flash forward: when he does begin the crime, the victim will never have expected it [stalker] to have been him. he was so secretive- how did he keep to himself this entire time? how did he find out every single thing they've been hiding? and why, why was he so sarcastic yet direct towards them when he spilled every awful thing that was about to happen?

- typically initiates in an alley. he may be a cold-blooded murderer, but he will always be up for a dramatic killing.


- when using luring tactics, donnie likes to turn it into a game. not a fun one, of course. maybe sometimes, he'll add twists to it. like he'd make the theme of the murder game based off of Chutes & Ladders, Sorry! or Battleship. donnie will spend months putting all of this together. stalking, waiting for the right moment to trap the enemy in- and how he'll do it. maybe he'll make each room a different theme with murderous items and intentions, like an Escape Room. he's curious about how a human would react in the situation. after dying a dramatic death, said turtle will calculate the victim's emotions and use them as a reference for his next target. he also uses his intelligence as a weapon. he isn't afraid to come up with some ingenious ideas for his plans. he loves things like, gore, torture, and psychological terror. even something as mundane as an elevator in a building can be put to good use.

- if it's a good day, he was probably, most definitely inspired by some Saw Traps.

- ( random hc? ) has an infinite number of scars on his actual softshell- they are horrifying to look at, yet so mesmerizing. stare too long though, someone won't be happy.

🖤🟠 - MIKEY

- acrobatically the best out of the team (with donnie in second), mikey has this weird thing he does when he faces an opponent: he does the "horror movie walk." backbends are his specialty; bending his body backwards dramatically and snapping joints along the way is a great confusion and luring tactic. after staring at the opponent- wide eyed and never blinking- mikey will run (yes, while still upside down and all-fours on the ground) as quickly as he can towards the enemy, scaring and disgusting the absolute sh1t out of them as he does so. not even his brothers know what happens next.

to note, he was 100% inspired by horror movies ^.

- as a high lover of horror movies and media, he will also leave many references to classic movies like Halloween, Scream, & Friday the 13th.

- knows it's not a smart move, but will leave a signature behind for the victim's friends and family to find.

🖤🔴 - RAPH

- is the most twisted on the team. raph is SKILLED in what he does. yet, he won't try to hide it if he doesn't have to. the red one has a big understanding of how the whole murder/ assassin / etc. thing works, and boy- is he dedicated. he has to be in control. he will take out innocent(s) on his way to the top.

- it isn't his main tactic, but it serves well. raph will take care of the target by himself. he will isolate the opponent in a single location for days. he'll relocate them to a room, perhaps with a sliver of light or a plate of food just out of reach. th turtle will do all in his power to make the victim feel inferior. you should never expect him to be cordial or approachable to help improve your situation. if you get in his way, he'll rip you apart limb from limb. a day before death, he'll tell them everything that makes them inconsolable—something that would drive them insane—so they'll be wishing they were dead, instead. this way, he can take the victim out without regret, but still with a fashionable exit.

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