🟠 -} Oh, How Affectionate

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hello! enjoy the chapter, friends :)

words: 2088


(h/c)- hair color

(n/n) - nickname

*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧

It was starting to get dark out. Not that you could tell, though. The walls around you were embedded in pipes and wood crafted by the four turtles themselves- who, for some reason, could never really figure out a team name. They always went along the lines of: mutant, ninja, turtle, teenagers? Ah, well. They might figure something out eventually.


Friday Night. The best nights. You could do whatever you wanted- and hey! After so long, you finally made it into college! Which means...

Free roam, baby!

There were no more parents around to tell you what to do. No more nagging siblings to boss you around. Well, none other than the ones currently in the room. Leo and Donnie were huddled up by the very left end of the couch, discussing movie topics. Raph was in control of the remote, mindlessly scrolling through different channels, having difficulty finding something that everyone would enjoy. April was cooking popcorn in the kitchen. And Mikey, the turtle who was closest to you, was sitting on the ground, doodling away on three different pieces of paper.

"Mikey! Mike-and-Ike. Micheal-angel-o." You announced, out of absolutely nowhere.

The orange, artistic turtle looked up at you, tilting his head. "(Y/N). (n/n). (n/n)." He responded back, just as enthusiastic. "What's up?"

You gave him the biggest, sweetest grin you could muster, nodding your head towards his drawings. Colorful strokes filled the page, not an inch of the paper left uncolored. Marker ink here, pen marks there...

"Well, uh..." He responded, slightly nervous. "It's not anything in particular. It's just a picture of an alleyway wall, and some streetlights, and..." He paused, looking at the picture. "And some graffiti artwork I'd like to try out sometime. I don't know, I find it interesting!"

Truth was, Mikey was scared that you would be critical of his desire to be a graffiti artist. The mutant looked up to you. You had always encouraged him to do what he wanted to do, even if that thing was dangerous. You were amazing in his eyes. Inspiring, really!

"Mikey, you know that I'll support you, no matter what you decide to do." You said, giving him a warm smile.

"Just don't decide to become- I don't know, ultimate ruler of the world, or something. I claimed that already. That, and this random piece of tech I found just layin' around in Don's lab!" Leo shouted, taking a piece of robotic circuitry and running off with it. Donnie, exhausted, threw his arms up in the air, only to come sprinting after him. Raph only followed to make sure that total chaos wouldn't ensue from the two disaster twins. The two of you watched as the remainder were left in the room.

Mikey, April and You.

Mikey tossed his utensils to the side. He was finished, for now. Maybe he was just getting bored. Out of all the drawings and doodles he had, many of them were just graffiti art possibilities. On the very bottom of one, though, was a small doodle of a... human? Well, it certainly wasn't April. It kind of looked like you. A small grin subtly spread across your face. You might not have been right there by the artist himself to see it, but it was quite obvious now of his small, reciprocated crush that he had on the one and only (y/n).

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