🔴-} Pit of Scorching Flames

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this chapter is a REQUEST

mentions: slight angst, shorter chapter

words: 1548

hello! enjoy the chapter, friends :)

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The Kraang Apocalypse was something you never wanted to witness again.

Not just because of the devastating effect it would leave on the future, but because of the havoc wreaked upon the four brothers.

Sure, they may have ended their journey with fun contests and pizza, but that will never cover up the trauma that was gained from the horrid event.


A mission had just concluded. It was yet another conflict with that worm- ah, nobody knew what his name was. April kept repeating it-perhaps she was a big fan? Aside from that, the team had just arrived home. You were exhausted as a fighter alongside April O'Neil and the turtle brothers. It was easily visible in everyone else, too. The six of you needed a break. Badly.

You went down to the team showering facility in severe need of a cleaning. You had gotten very damaged up with the recent Kraang battle, and just finishing one with that weird looking News Reporter didn't help. It was built for quick rinsing; guests could utilize it when needed, and it was designed for several individuals to use at once. Multiple shower heads aligned on the walls with a dotted plastic floor to catch waste and filth from the user's body. Because it was a team room, users of it were expected (and, honestly, preferred) to wear a simple showering uniform- just a white top and shorts. Swimwear, pretty much.

You entered the corridor where the door to the room was located. It didn't smell the greatest, but hey. It served its purpose. The door creaked as you pushed it open. There were multiple shower stalls in the room, three small and one large, as well as two sinks and a gigantic, gentle red turtle.

"Hey, (y/n)! Same idea, huh?" Raphael waved, smiling a soft grin.

"Hey, Raph!" You replied. "Yeah- I figured it was about time for one. These cuts aren't gonna clean themselves. Same for you?"

"Yeah. It's starting to smell around here, and I don't want Leo blaming it all on me." Raph muttered, smiling as he went along. You giggled at his response, shrugging your shoulders as an understandable reaction.


The shower to the far-right side of the room was the one that you normally used. Throughout your trial-and-error experience with all of the others, you deemed this one as just right. It had a decent temperature to it; one that you could handle. It wasn't gross and it didn't have disgusting blobs of mold on the floor. It got the job done, which was good enough for you.

You turned on the water and stepped into the enormous, cold-to-the-touch, plastic shower. There were few to no soap bars left. You took a peek over at the window above, which was basically a small opening. A soft blue lighting from the sewer's exterior passageway lighted the inside of the space, making the bathroom appear less miserable. Hardly any light reflected in your stall. It was a bit difficult to see!

The used-up soap bar was on a rack attached onto the shower with suction cups. As soon as you finished washing yourself, you made sure to remove any dirt and grime from your body. The process of washing your hair was a bit challenging, but you managed it. Wads and tufts of knotted hair fell to the drain as you brushed it with a comb. It was an uncomfortable feeling, your muscles aching from the fight, but you finally were able to relax for a moment. Sitting on the shower floor and letting the water stream over you was a temporary relief, granting you a second of thoughtless silence.

In the midst of a peaceful moment, a voice called over from the stall a few doors down.

"Hey, uh, (y/n)? It's too silent in here. It makes me feel like I'm alone in here. Can we talk, or something? Just to fill some noise?" The red turtle nervously asked. You could practically hear him sweating.

"Oh, yeah! Of course. What's on your mind, big guy?" You turned silent, waiting for his response.

"Er-uhm, how are you dealing with the aftermath of... all of this?" Raphael's voice got quieter as he spoke, like it pained him to speak about. It wasn't a shock though- it's not really an enjoyable topic.

"Well, Raph, if you're worried about being the only one, well, worried- I can promise you that you're not. It was a devastating thing for all of us," You peeked your head out of the curtain to look at him from a few feet away, "But, if you're asking for me, I'm just hoping and praying something like this doesn't happen again. I think more about taking safer precautions when we all go out on missions and fights. And, hah, as much as I hate to admit it- sitting in the shower and staring at the wall IS a pretty decent coping skill. Not gonna lie." You softly chuckled a bit at your last remark, hoping he was finding some joy in the conversation.

While you were looking at Raph from the stall over, he pointed out some dirt still stuck to your forehead. Somehow.

You tried to wipe it off, but just couldn't aim for the right spot. Raph wanted to try and help, but didn't want to disturb your privacy and personal space.

"Just come in here and help me get it, dude. I won't mind."

The giant turtle smiled warmly, stepping out of his own shower and joining you in yours. The dirt on your forehead was wiped away by his finger after he ran his hand under some hot water.

"Got it!" He softly expressed, giving you a thumbs up and then sitting down beside you.

"So, what was it you really wanted to talk about? I know you. I know there's something going on in that anxious brain of yours." You tapped his head with your pointer finger, giggling doing so. He didn't respond with a smile, or a laugh. Just an emotionless shrug.

"Ah, I don't know. I guess I've been getting these nightmares about them. The Kraang. About what they could have done to my brothers. April. You. It scares me, (y/n). How quickly something like that could happen. One small mistake and... geez. I could lose ya' all'." Raph whispered. Small tears start to form around his eyes.


Your arm reaches out to his. Your fingers brush against his scaly skin, and you sigh in regret. Sadness. Guilt. The feelings were indistinguishable.

The reptile wraps his feet into a ball, clutching his legs in the process. His face is covered up by his arms. Right now, only his tear-filled eyes are visible.

"I just wish I was able to keep you guys safe all of the time, and... and..." He let out a painful sob, his shaky breath audible. You gently touch his chin, looking into his eyes. You turn his face towards yours. Softly, you whisper sweet reassuring words to him.

"Raphael. Listen to me. You have way too much pressure on you right now, big guy. You and the team never should have been put through the stress of saving everyone. I know you're afraid of something still being there and harming your brothers. I know how much you wish you were there to fight with them rather than against. It's not fair. Please know that we love you, Raph. Please. You need to take a break from the whole "protector" gig. We would do anything to keep you safe, just like you would for us. You know that, don't you?"

His face slowly nods in your grasp. You nod in return, hoping that you might have calmed some of his worries.

You softly kiss between his wet, warm, and salty eyelids. The turtle turns his head downwards as you do. You gently wipe tears away from his eyes, his face still in your hands.

Your own eyes glisten, as well. You had to make this promise. "We won't let anything happen." You repeat, looking into his watery eyes. "I won't let anything happen." You whisper, smiling as you speak. Your hands rest gently against his cheekbones.

A hug engulfs the giant snapping turtle. You softly pat his head as he hugs you back. As you pull away, Raph only grabs your arm, grasping you tighter.

"one more minute..." he mumbled, "i don't normally get those speeches. this is nice."

You smile, more than happy to fulfill his one wish.

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