🔵 -} Everlasting

601 6 1

this imagine is a request from @mgmendez2305 - \

Word count: 1448 words

visit disclaimers at bottom!

hello! enjoy the chapter, friends :)

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A late night had fallen. It was yet another sleepover at the house of your reptilian boyfriend, Leo. It was a cozy evening, both of you chatting away on the couch. The head of Leo rested on your lap as he sat beside you. He was the only other person there. There was no one else in the entire house- or sewer. Donnie, Raph, and Mikey were all out on patrol, leaving just Leo and you. The small couch was very comfortable. You could feel Leo breathing, despite him still being awake.

The two of you had just recently decided to be together- and in all honesty, it was a bit confusing! None of you really knew how to communicate love to each other, so at this point, it was more of just random acts of romance.

You rub his head, scratching it gently. "Hey," you whisper to him. "I'm ready for bed. I can see you falling asleep already, too." Leo looked up at you, only nodding. He responds with sleepy eyes before nuzzling his head back onto your lap. You were warm, and the feeling of your fingers lightly scraping over his head was very soothing!

"Leeeeeooooooo~" You exclaimed, a sing-song expression in your voice.

The red-eared-slider gets up, stretching as he stands. Despite his reluctance to awaken, he did so for you, because he could see your exhaustion through his own foggy eyes. You began your way up the sewer stairs with Leo slowly following. There were really no spare rooms, and the sofa was extremely uncomfortable, so most of the time, you slept in Leo's room. You two were a thing now, so, hey. Reasonable reason.

It's dark inside the bedroom, but the magenta-hued light from the hallway illuminates enough of the room that you can see Leo appear in the doorway. He was struggling to stay awake, the poor guy! He gripped the walls with his three fingers, making sure he wasn't going to pass out on accident.

"You okay, Lee?" You ask him quietly, smiling and closing the door behind him. The blue masked turtle looks around the room, blinking rapidly, until finally spotting you striding away from him and towards a couch in the corner. He smiles and walks towards you, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you close.

"I'm fine, mi amor." he says with a shaky laugh. "Just extremely, very tired. Could, uh- could I lay my head on you again? I was pretty comfy there." Chuckling, you feel the turtle's hot breath faintly touch your skin as he looks up. Before you could even comply, Leo had already found himself snug! Your face beamed as you smile gently at him as you run your hands over his skin.

You grab the edge of the blanket on the couch with a free hand and toss it over your legs. You wrap your arms around Leo, making sure his head was against your chest. "You are so adorable, mi corazón," you tell him quietly, kissing his temple in a gentle manner. Exchanging nicknames in Spanish for each other was a small romantic action the Leo and you were able to initiate without thinking.

Only seconds- minutes- hours- passed. You both were bundled up in each other's warmth, enjoying every moment.


As Leo slept in your arms, you scrolled mindlessly on your phone. The last few months have been quiet. Your only source of interesting news was Leo's stories, which you genuinely enjoyed. The brightness and volume on your device were turned all the way down as you were careful not to disturb Leo's sleep. The same thing happens every time. Every time you mentioned you were tired, it turned out to be just another session on your digital device. Classic. So many things clogged your mind; the majority being about your unusual relationship with the reptilian mutant.

"(y/n)," Leo mumbles, placing a warm hand on your shoulder. "why are you awake? it's lateeee. and i can see your phone."

"ahh, i'm sorry, lee. i've been up for a while. and not really. i dunno. something's been on my mind." You shrug in response, slightly turning your face away from him. Not that it matters, but the both of you were in the dark. This was good- he couldn't see you blushing.

"what's keeping you awake, amor? you wanna talk about it?" His voice made that upwards energetic curve it does when he normally speaks- somehow, (and as to how, you didn't have a clue) he managed to keep that tone while being immensely sleep deprived.

"You can tell or ask me anything, (y/n). I won't tell a soul. I promise." He taps your nose, giggling for a second before becoming lightly serious again. However, he was in no way aware of how you would dive right into the question.

"What does kissing feel like?"

You blush a deep scarlet. Was this too soon? Was it too late to ask? Were you supposed to ask this first thing into the relationship?

"Oh!" Leo chirps, seeming somewhat surprised. knowing him, he wasn't going to judge you for that question. really, it was something he was eventually going to ask you himself. "Well... it breaks my absolutely ginormous humongous monstrosity of a heart to say that i haveeee- no clue. surprising, surprising, i know- wait, why- what do you think it feels like?"

You were in a miniature state of shock at his response. He wasn't making fun of your question. Opposingly, he was giving you a genuine answer! Unfortunately, you couldn't give him one. All you could do was stare at the plank covered ground beside you in complete and utter silence. Leo smirked once more, tracing fingers down the side of your face.

"You, mi vida, are adorable when you're flustered. I love it." Leo's hand cupped the side of your face. "No need to be embarrassed. But, if you are curious-"

It was safe to say you knew what was coming.

"Then we'll just have to figure it out. I'm willing to give it a go if you are, (y/n)." A nod was given from you without hesitation. You look away from him in embarrassment, but the turtle only pulls your face closer. With delicate touch, he pecks a soft kss on your lips as you try to reciprocate the action. It was nothing too harsh or too romantic. Just sweet and slow, like it should be.

You could feel a smile against your lips as he pulled away. Leo leaned his forehead onto yours. He was so close to you.


Something soft came across your skin. Leo had moved to your side again, just like the position he was in before when you were snuggling up. The red-eared-slider was purring! Purring? Is that the right term for a mutant turtle? Ah, who cared. It was adorable. The blanket, now shoved to the end of the bed, was yanked up again by Leo, who was shivering a bit from the cold. The warmth from his arms and the cloth engulfed you, gifting you with comfort and relaxation.

Perhaps this time, you might be able to get to sleep.


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* magenta hued light is based off of the thumbnail image

heres your frequent apology list, yippee:

* i do not speak fluent spanish, and i am also aware that this is an x male reader story, so if any of the nicknames used above are associated with femininity, i apologize.

-also, again, more apologies for the late and short chapter. i will most likely revise this in the future.

- even more apologies for the repetitive use of the word "both". and just repetitive words in general. ew.

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