🔵- } An Alluring Emotion

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hello! enjoy the chapter, friends :)


f/c- favorite color

h/c- hair color

there are no specified trigger warnings for this chapter- if you see anything worth mentioning, please let me know!!

word count: 1573 words


Silence reigned in the hotel. The time was currently midnight- the perfect time for a short dip in the pool. There was only one affordable residence in the area you were in, and it's best to say that it certainly wasn't the cleanest. Ah, well- it least it had a pool, right?

You grabbed the white towel that the hotel staff had given you. You tossed the cloth over your shoulder and sped down the echoey stairway, humming to yourself that godawful elevator song that would most likely be stuck in your head all day! The wooden floors beneath your feet felt freezing. Your f/c swimsuit encapsuled your body, leaving you with practically no warmth. It was now your main goal to get into that pool room as quickly as possible- for a variety of reasons, of course.


Shivering softly, you quietly opened the door. Was the pool even really open right now? Probably not. Does that really matter? Most likely no. Half of the workers here probably couldn't care enough if someone robbed the place. The door, not following your wishes, creaked open with a scream. The area was so much warmer compared to the opposing rooms! Steam pervaded the aquatic environment. You could feel it on your skin. Your face. Your nose. Your eyes.

Then, those eyes of yours spotted something.

Something tall. You could hardly make it out in the mist!

A light gasp escaped your lips.

"Leo! What are you doing!? You scared the s*/* out of me!"

The lime reptile smirked, waving as he stood up. The steam had just about cleared itself now.

"Nothing, mi reina! Taking a swim in the pool! I am a turtle, you know. It's my nature. You got a problem with that, or should I leave?" He pointed his hand towards the door.

Now, you knew nothing of his so oftenly-spoken spanish. At this point, you'd given up asking. "No, no! You don't need to leave. No problem present. "

Leo nodded, smiling at your response. You shook your head and tossed the towel on a nearby table, slowly wading your feet into the pool. It wasn't cold. It was actually rather warm! Which, in all honesty, explains the steam.

"Are you going to explain to me why you're here at THIS hotel, at THIS time?" You messed with the water, letting droplets fall from your hands.

"Sometimes... my brothers... can get to be a little much-? Eh?" Leo shrunk down slightly, hoping you'd buy his poorly made excuse. Unfortunately for him, it wasn't bought for a second.

"Are you going to get in?"

"Of course. Why else would I be here? Already told ya, amiga. I'm a turtle. It's in my nature to swim.

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