There was something very therapeutic about it if I must say. Mapi and I sat there in silence, till a shadow was casted above me.

"You were supposed to come get her, not join her." Leila looked at the both of us, her hands on her hips and her eyebrow raised.

"I know but there is something very therapeutic about it." I said and went back to patting the grass.

"Told ya." Mapi hummed, still focused on the grass but Leila was about done. She grabbed both of our arms and pulled us up. 

"Shut up." She pointed at Mapi before she turned to look at me. "There are some people I like you to meet." And she pointed at the other two people walking over from the otherside of the field.

I instantly recognized them. It was Vir and Lola. Before Leila had the time to introduce all of us, Vir came over to me.

"Eleanore! I'm so glad to see you again." The Atlético midfielder pulled me into a hug once she was within distance.

"Hey Vir." I smiled, reciprocating the hug.

"Wait, you know each other?" Leila looked at the two of us confused, not knowing that her two best friends that weren't supposed to know each other actually did know each other.

"Yeah, we met during the world cup." I pulled away from Vir so I could look at Leila and shrugged my shoulders at the defender who was looking at me with her eyes widened and her mouth agape.

"Alexia introduced us." Vir added while she pointed at my girlfriend who was done with her media duties and was now joining our group.

"Wait, she introduced you?! You're telling me that you already met THE Eleanore Queen? The one she doesnt shut up about? What am I to you chopped liver?" Lola ranted and turned towards her best friend.

Ale looked confused about Lola's outburst because she had missed most of the conversation but soon recovered after Mapi caught her up a bit.

"You already left on your holiday with Leila." Ale shrugged and came to stand next to me, sending me a small smile.

"I blame you." Lola sends a small glare into Leila's direction. "But now that I finally get the chance, it's very nice to meet the girl that stole my best friend's heart." Lola caught me off guard and pulled me into a hug.

"Lola." Ale scoffed but the keeper wasn't at all fazed by it. 

"What? It's true, isn't it?" She smirked at the midfielder who couldn't help but blush a bit at the goalie's comment.

"God please tell me you two finally confessed your feelings because it was rather pathetic at the world cup." Vir threw her hands in the air, making everyone laugh except for Ale.

"Oh they confessed alright." Mapi mumbled just loud enough for everyone to hear, earning laughs from our teammates but shocked looks from both Vir, Lola and Alexia herself.

"Mapi." Ale hissed at the defender.

"What? Don't get shy on us now, Putellas. You're eager enough to litter her neck full of hickey's so people know she's off limits." Mapi smirked at the midfielder and teammate.

"True." She shrugged with a smirk on her lips.

"Aah welcome to the family!" Vir squealed out and tackled me into a hug again.

"Thanks. I guess." I chuckled at Vir and once I recovered from my initial surprise, I wrapped my arms around the midfielder as well.

The small group of old and new friends stayed around the center of the field with the conversations naturally flowing between us. I was currently talking with Lola when someone took me by surprise and jumped on my back

The Rising Star - Alexia Putellas Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant