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I was unpacking with Louis and there was something that has been on my mind lately and I didn't know if it was just me who was thinking about it, but I need to get it off my chest. I need to talk about this with the other boys and see what their thoughts are about this... I looked at Louis a few times and when he finally noticed, he looked right at me and raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong Liam?" He asked and placed the plates in the high cabinets. "Haven't you noticed anything different? With Harry especially?" I asked and Louis looked off to the side before he sighed and looked at me again. 

"I don't know what it is Lima, but what I do know is that it should be for the better of us to leave it up to Harry if he wishes to talk about it or figure it out," he tells me and looks into the box that had our dishes inside. "But what if it's something serious and we address it when it's too late?" I then asked and that made Louis think for a moment. He looked at the ground and slowly looked up at me again. "I really don't know Liam... I just don't to pressure him into saying something. At least he isn't harming himself, right?" He asked and I do see that as a plus, so I just sighed and turned back to the boxes. I then heard him walking up from right behind me and I soon felt his arms go around me. 

"Heyyy, I understand your worries. If it bothers you that much, then we should bring it up to him. However, you do have to understand if he wishes to not discuss it. Even though he has changed, I do still see him pushing us away if he has a "reason" to do so," he tells me and I agreed with him then. I kissed him softly and I felt him smiling against my lips. 

We both then heard the front door open and close again. We waited for a few seconds, but no one came into the kitchen area. There were footsteps on the stairs and I knew that it was Niall and Zayn coming down. Louis and I both simultaneously walked in the direction of the walkway. Harry was standing there and he was like in some kind of daze. 

"Hey babe, are you okay?" Zayn asked and came all the way down. Harry slowly looks over at hm and doesn't say anything. "Are you okay baby? Did something happen?" Niall asked and walked up from behind Zayn, Harry just looked off to the side and in a few small moments, I heard his breathing shake. I walked up to him and just touched his shoulders.

And that's when he caved. 

He instantly wrapped his arms around me and started crying. "What's wrong?" I asked in a soothing voice, rubbing his back softly. "I-I... I'm sc-scared," he stutters as he hiccups a few times. "Oh? What about love? There is nothing to be scared of you know?" I asked and kissed the side of his head. "I.. I am too scared to say... I'm sorry." 'There is no reason to be sorry sun. We are going to be here for you nonetheless," Louis says comfortingly and pressed his hand softly at the bottom of his back.

When Harry was ready, he started to pull away and so I did the same thing. He wiped his tears away and just sniffled, making Zayn rub his back. "It's okay babe. Everything is going to be okay, yeah?" "Are you sure?" "We are completely sure lovely," Niall says warmly and smiles. 

"Even if I'm pregnant?" He asks and we freeze. We stared at him for a few seconds and that scared him. He started to cover up his belly with his plaid buttoned up shirt. "Liar..." he whispered, but I slowly started to smile. "No, it's still okay. It's going to be okay. Everything is going to be fine. I'm happy love. Surely we are all happy." "Just thought about how much I've missed your pregnant belly recently, so of course I'm happy." "We are fucking excited!" Both Louis and Niall cheer and cut their way through to hug Harry tightly. It took a few kisses from each of us to make Harry giggle again. 


ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
I Feel Nothing (Zianourry) (B3)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें