10 (Short)

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The former couple have finally reached the destination of their getaway and they saw how beautiful it looked. They went to the Mountain Trek in British Columbia, Canada. Harry was looking into the place and he told his former lovers that this was a good place for their heads and self recovery. They can hike and do certain activities that will help them with their mental state. The boys look around to see what was around them and they are really happy to see that it was a lot of nature around them. Harry used to love this back then. He can remember when he and his mom would go on walks and his mother would scold him about wearing black or dark clothes in the hot sun.

Anyways the group of five were greeted by their guide and they were brought around the town before they got to their temporary home. They had five bedrooms and there was a space within the home where we could meditate and workout. Just to help out with our mental health.

When she was done with the tour, she said that she was going to stop by later on to show them one of the towns best spots. They thanked her and walked out of the house. When the door closed, Harry was the first to move. He picked up his bag and walked to the bedroom that was on the bottom floor. His exes watched him leave and they were just hoping for Harry to open up a lot during this trip.

The first thing that Harry did when he entered his room was to take a shower. He stripped bare and he tied his hair up into a little bun. He then looked up and saw his reflection in the mirror. He grew sad at the sight in front of him. There were burn marks on his upper thigh and there were a few littered on his waist. He did those last night, so they were going to be fully gone by the end of the day.

"Hopefully I won't be back to this at the end of this trip..." He said to himself. He then took out one of his favorite bath soaps. It was a gift from Niall. It was always Niall who would be giving Harry bath soap. Not to give him a message or anything. Just because they always end up in a bath and body works whenever they go out. Just recently though, Niall was out and he just thought of Harry, so he went and bought another one for his omega. It came in a set, but Harry was still pleased with the gift.

After his shower, he stepped into his room with a towel around his body he walked to his suitcase and opened it up even more to see his outfits. After he put some pieces together, he was sort of pleased with what he was ended up with. I say sort of, because it seems a little lighter compared to his previous outfits. It still has a bunch of stuff, but not as much.

The only thing that seems a bit concerning about the outfit is that the heart is silver and it's pressed on his thigh. It's not harming him though. He packed it because the sleeves on the shirt are way too cool to pass up.

He saw himself in the mirror and he just stared at himself. This is when he starts to hate on himself. Now he doesn't know hoe, but his former lover (Louis) sensed this and knocked on the door. Harry turned and stared at the door for only a minute, but he did go to answer it. Louis was standing before him and he was just looking at Harry and what he was wearing. "You look beautiful," is the first thing Louis said when there was just a moment of comfortable silence.

"I thought you guys don't like these clothes?" Harry questioned. Louis shook his head no and smiled a little. "We like everything that you wear. No matter what it is, I'm going to love it. Besides, this heart is pretty cute," he then pointed out and Harry looked to see what he was referring to. He smiled at the heart that was attached to his stockings. "We sang that song to you for a reason, remember love? Little Things?" Louis then asked and Harry looked up at him again. "I could never forget... I might listen to that song before I call it a night..." "We can sing it for you instead you know."

"Would you actually like to sing that to me?" "It was made for you Harry. It's not like I have someone else to sing that to anyways. My feelings and thoughts never changed about you, so yes. I would like to sing that to you tonight. I would love it actually," Louis says with a pleased smile. "Then I guess that's the first thing that we'll do while we are here, yeah?" "Yeah. Now come on. Zayn is cooking tonight." "I thought I was the cook?" "Oh, you are. He just wants to try one of your meals out. He's watching the video actually."

Harry grew curious, so he followed his ex-husband to their kitchen. He was right. Zayn was literally watching Harry's video. He must've downloaded it before they left. The thought made Harry so happy and it restored a lot of hope within him. This just made him feel a little more confident about his love life. Because they are right here. It took Harry some time to realize that, but they were always there for him. They are always going to be there for him.

"I really want to get better Lou..." "Well that is why we are here, right? We'll help if you need it. Or if you need to let something off of your pretty little shoulders, then we'll be right here for that as well." "I will remember that. Thank you."

The group of five sat together and they ate together in a comfortable silence. The four alphas made sure that Harry drank some blood as well. They felt as though Harry may have harmed himself again, but instead of asking questions, they just had him drink blood. Harry didn't bother questioning it though. He knew better. He was just ready to call his babies back at home, but he was going to wait for Gemma to call first (as per Gemma's request). He just sat on the couch and waited by his phone. His former lovers were nearby too, so if he did get a call, then they would be right there to talk and comfort if needed.

They will always be there.


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