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"Are you having a fun time bubba?" I asked Sophia as we were taking a little train in an amusement park. She looked up at me and smiled brightly, making my heart warm up rather fast. "Yeah! Can mommy come with us next time?" She asked and I looked down. How am I supposed to answer this question? I can't say yes, because Harry may not want to and we can't really be around each other right now. Because a whole mix of emotions will surely soar through our hearts.

I also can't say no, because that's going to hurt her heart and we never want that to happen.

"Can we poppa?" She asked again and I fished out my phone instead of answering her. I opened the group chat that we have together and I just asked Harry in there. I just hope that he isn't going to get upset about this. He might be up for it since it's in- "Ooh! Can we have everyone here instead?" She then asked and I looked at my daughter. You are making this so hard....

N: Hey, Sophia wants all of us here next time we're available. Meaning all seven of us...
Z: ....
H: Call me and hand the phone to her.

I shrugged and did what Harry said and Sophia took the phone with no questions asked. "Hello?... Mommy!... Yeah mommy! Fun and want us here as family... No poppa have me say this, thought of mommy." I raised an eyebrow when she said that last part. I would never force my girls to say something. Especially not something that is going to make things awkward for me. Like... Would I like to see Harry? To see Louis? Any of them? Of course I would. Love it actually. I just don't think that we should.

"Poppa?" I blinked and looked down to see Sophia handing my phone back. I took it and saw that Harry was still on the phone. I pressed the phone to my ear and I sighed. "What do you want to do?" "I'm available on Wednesday at 5. If we can't do that, then I have Saturday any time," he tells me and I blink. "You actually want to do it?" "If it's to make my girl happy, then I'm doing it." "Okay. I can do Wednesday." "Cool. I'll set it up and send the text tonight. Bye." He hung up and I looked at the phone, then at Sophia. "I guess we'll be here again, yeah?" She giggled and clapped her hands in excitement. "Thanks poppa! It'll be great!" She chirped and I smiled at her fondly.

We spent another hour at the park until I saw that she was starting to get tired. I picked my girl up and carried her back to the car. She was hugging the bear that I won for her tightly and the sight made me really happy. Because this is one of the best things that any parent could experience. I put her in the backseat and I walked around to get to the driver's seat. I started it up and I headed back to Marcel's house. The drive was only 10 minutes, but I dwelled on the time as much as I could before I had to get her to her mommy.

When I saw the house on my eyesight, I looked in the rear view mirror and sighed. I was probably going to see her again soon, but it just sucks, you know? I was just so used to bringing her to one home that this was odd for me. I was so tempted to bring her to our old home, but that home is gone now. We sold it and split the money amongst the five of us. Just so that we can have a little nudge for a house for ourselves. Marcel wanted to watch over his big brother, so he always made up some random excuse so that Harry would stay with him for a little bit longer.

Now when I pulled into the driveway, I stopped the car and got out. Harry was leaning on the brick wall that was next to the porch and he had his arms crossed. When he saw me step out, he walked over to me and he stood at my side as I opened the back door. "She's asleep. Do you want to carry her, or are you okay with me doing it?" I asked and he looked at our daughter, then at me. "You can put her to bed if you want," he says and leads the way.

I walked through the house with our daughter in my arms and when I got to the room, he opened the door for me and Scarlett was already in bed. Harry opened the blanket for me and I placed our little girl next to her little sister. I then tucked the little one in and I pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. Harry was turning on their night light and he was looking for her favorite stuffed animal while I was doing this and when I stepped away, he put the animal next to her and he took his turn to kiss her goodnight.

I Feel Nothing (Zianourry) (B3)Where stories live. Discover now