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How did they notice? How?! I thought I was being slick? I questioned in my head as I was walking off the stage. Apparently some fans who attended the signing the other day saw me scratch at my burning wrist. They just chanted 'Don't leave Harry!' and I kept trying to play it off as if I didn't know what they were talking about, but they would just keep chanting it and I made up some excuse to go see my girls. Who were currently in the bus taking their nap. The only way that I knew that they knew was when I made eye contact with one of the people chanting. She pointed at her wrist and i looked to see that she was directing me to look at my own wrist.

Now of course I needed to her back out there, so I took a sip of water and I took a few breaths in order to calm myself down

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Now of course I needed to her back out there, so I took a sip of water and I took a few breaths in order to calm myself down. When I fully gathered myself again, I walked back out and on the stage. They were just talking to each other and I was a bit scared. They weren't talking to the fans and they weren't doing anything fun to entertain the fans, they were just talking to one another. I think I'll be able to pull it off if I were to just read out some signs. I looked around the stadium and I looked for any funny signs out there. There were a few that talked about my wrist, but I just skipped those.

"Give me names for twin boys? Um, I don't have boys, but I can surely help you out. Can I possibly get a last name?" "Mickelson!" "Okay... Well I prefer twins to have the same starting letter. Hence as to why we named our girls Scarlett and Sophia," I tell her and the fans cheered and I smiled a little. I saw Zayn in the corner of my eye, walking towards me. "And if you're having boys, I would probably do the same thing. It's cute," I said to her as I was walking away from him. He started walking faster and that had me walk faster away, but there were 4 of them, so of course this was going to be a bit difficult.

"Maybe Matthew and Mason, or Desmond and Donovan?" I suggested and I felt my heart speed up and that's weird to say when it's not even beating. As I was trying to keep my distance from my exes. The fan seemed pleased with my answer, but before I could say anything else, my stupid legs didn't comply with the task at hand and I tripped. I caught myself before my face made contact with the ground.

It did give them the advantage though, because Louis was sitting in front of me.

"Louis...don't," I said as I sat back and looked down at my lap. "What are you talking about love? Are you hiding something from me?" "It shouldn't matter if I am, I obviously didn't want you aware of it?" "Aware of what?" He asked and tilted his head. "Don't do that. It makes me feel guilty." "That's not something I would want you to feel. However, I do want to make you feel safe." He slowly reached for my hand and I was on the verge of tears. I pulled back and he just moved forward. "Hazza, it's okay lovely," he soothes and grabs my hand with grace. "Lou... I'm sorry." "It's okay baby. We'll get through it yeah? Together this time. Separate just hurts more yeah?" He asks and asks for some clippers.

"It... I'm-" "You're going to be okay love. I'm here for you. We're not against you baby. We just want to see," he tells me and the guards hold the band while he snips the band. He saw the red mark and I really felt awful. Because we've been here before and I made them feel bad. "I'm sorry... I'm such-" "A beautiful being. I told you that it's okay baby. It's not as severe, but this is going to stop, okay?" "I...What do I do?" "Just breathe. Gather yourself and actually attempt to cope with this. If you need me or any of us, then we are right around the corner. We are there with you."

I Feel Nothing (Zianourry) (B3)Where stories live. Discover now