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"Are you ready sun?" I asked and Harry nodded his head and tied his shoe. He then slid on his sun protecting ring and looked right at me. "You look adorable darling," I tell him and he just blushed. "It's nothing special Lou..." "You say that, but you really do look adorable." He tried to say something in return, but he saw the smile on my face, and that made him stop. He knows how stubborn I can really get, so it was best for him to quit while he's ahead. Anyways! Onto the hike! I decided to not do this with the group of strangers this time since I know how Harry doesn't want to be around random people at this time.

We walked to the entry of the hike and I made sure that Harry was bug bite proof

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We walked to the entry of the hike and I made sure that Harry was bug bite proof. I sprayed him with off spray and he offered to do the same for me, but I told him that I did it while he was getting ready. I then started to walk with him following close behind me. There were a few times when he was about to trip, but I was quick to catch him before he fell. He thanked me with a soft smile and I returned it. I kept his hand in mine so that there were no more instances and he held onto my hand tightly.

The hike was a long one, I knew that, but I don't think that I told Harry. It wasn't like he was complaining a few times, but there came a few points where he would let out a whimper. I looked back and saw him a bit bent over and he was breathing heavily. "We can stop at the next resting point." "We don't need to. I can do it.." "It's okay Harry, I need some blood anyways. You probably do too." "Um... okay then," he says and we walked for a few more minutes until we reached another resting point. I could hear Harry's sigh of relief right behind me and I smiled at that and had him sit first.

The two of us pulled out our bottles of blood and we drank from them. We recollected ourselves and I waited for Harry to be ready before I started to walk again. When he gave me the okay sign, I took his hand again and started our walk. "We're halfway there love. Just a little bit longer until you see how much the worth the walk was," I tell him and he hummed. "We still have to go back down though..." he whined and I chuckled.

We finally get to the top and I take a big breath in. "Look at that sun," I said and gestured at the view in front of us. When I didn't hear anything, I turned my head fast and saw Harry bent over, his hands rested on his knees and he was breathing heavily again. "You know... I could've carried you up here if you wanted me to." "I'll take that offer for when we have to go back down," he said and stood up straight again. He moves to stand next to me and I pointed ahead of me.

He sees the view and he smiles big. "It's so beautiful." I admired him as he was enjoying the view. The sight of his pretty smile just makes me want more of it. I remember kissing him every time I saw him smiling. Just because he smiles even bigger whenever I kiss his gorgeous lips. It's a fun thing that I just love to do with him. Or with any of the boys honestly.

"You know... this is the perfect time for me to tell you what I've been wanting to tell you this whole month. I was planning on talking to you first, but it didn't go that way," he says to me and I tilted my head a little. He looks at me and swiftly took off his backpack and he unzipped it. To only take out 2 pieces of paper from it. "I already talked to the others, but I am also planning on talking to all of you tonight. These are the reflections that I have made bade on our relationship. I want to tell you how I feel and how I hope to continue with all of this." "Okay."

I Feel Nothing (Zianourry) (B3)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu