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"But you do understand that none of this is your fault. You didn't see that accident coming, so now you just have to remind yourself of that. There is no rewind button that you can press. There is literally nothing that you can do," Harry's therapist tells him as he was crying into his hands. "I know that I can't, but it's not fair! I was so freaking close to meeting him! I was at 6 months God dammit. He died in my stomach. Do you know how painful this is?!" "Yes, because I too have been through a miscarriage. It's a painful experience and it causes a lot of mental issues. I'm here to help you stay away from that," she says and Harry just nods his head, still crying his eyes out.

Yeah...the Tayne Malikan household are going through a lot right now and this...this was only the start of their agonizing torture. Harry was driving home from a 6 months checkup, when a drunk driver came crashing into his car. It turned him upside down and he was only waking up with the world upside down. Even though he was able to heal with no problem, his baby wasn't immortal like him. He was rushed to the hospital when the paramedics saw him. Which was where he was told the most horrible news anyone could ever hear.

He lost his baby.

Sure he was finishing up on his second trimester, but it wasn't rare for miscarriages to occur at that time. It was devastating and when his husband's showed up, they were told the same news and it grew rather depressing for each of them. As each day went by, his girls would ask when they were going to meet their newest sibling and it just grew darker for Harry, because he didn't want to discuss death to his babies at such a young age. He also wanted to talk about it when he was in a better mindset. His girls were only 2 years old. They would never fully understand what was going on. He did make a promise to himself to talk about it soon.

However, as time went on, their depression grew lighter. They seaked therapy and they were off of all social media. They didn't want to connect with the outside world until they knew that they were better. They didn't want their fans input and they for damn sure didn't want their manager to talk to them about it.

They did have a good time alone together and it brought them to make love. Which did get Harry pregnant, but this pregnancy did not follow through. This pregnancy always rather abnormal and it was giving Harry the biggest amount of pain anyone could ever imagine. Like... He wouldn't even wish this on his worst enemy, that's how bad it was. They had to rush him to the hospital quickly and the doctors were saddened to tell Harry that they had to get rid of it. Even though Harry was heartbroken, his husband's would really rather loose their unborn child than the love of their lives. Harry knew that this was a good call too, because he still has two girls waiting for him everyday when he gets home. He still has a family to live for.

Now did they try again after this one? Of course they did. Their dream was to have a big family and they were going to stop at nothing until they got what they wanted. Harry just loved the feeling of being pregnant and carrying a baby in his stomach is the biggest privilege in his life.

Only to have the same thing happen again. Not the abnormal pregnancies, but something would constantly get in the way for Harry to have a new baby enter his life. Either he would get into a bad accident or he would just wake up to see blood. The fifth time was just rather cruel. He was just watching his girls play on the swing set when a soccer ball just came flying and caught Harry in the stomach. Right where his baby was being created. When he heard the devastating news again, he just flew off the rails. The entire house just grew more and more toxic. The married couple just started to argue everyday and they would never sleep in one room together. They never stayed in one room together. It was hard for them to work on music with all of the tension. Their manager was struggling to plan an interview where they can't argue, but it would always fail. It would get to a point where they would end the interview early and the five were hurled into the bus to get their scolding in.

It even came to the point of divorce and without even thinking about it, they went with it. It was only when they got the papers was when realization hit them like a wall of bricks. Were they really going to throw away over 10 years of tender love and care?

Yes. Yes they were.

They signed the papers and the headlines grew crazy over that for months on end. Each boy moved out of that house and they did agree to co-parenting. Harry has primary custody since the boys didn't want to take that from him. Harry moved into his brother's house (Marcel). He promised to find a home for him and his girls, but Marcel was happy that his brother was staying with him. He is worried about Harry and his mental state. He knew that Harry is strong, but this...this was big. Even bigger than anything and everything that he's been through with Ed. He lost his babies and he lost the loves that made his heart sour into the clouds. Sam, Michael, and Edward would visit Harry on a daily basis. Which had them get more and more nervous for the omega when they watched Harry act as if nothing happened.

They had every right to be nervous too. Because Harry resorted to smoking and drinking for his pain. He wore even darker clothing than usual. Another thing Harry had going on was on his wrist. It was a band. His fans didn't think much of it, but when Harry lifted the band once to scratch at the spot, they saw red. Which they saw as unusual when vampires are really hard to harm. Harry didn't think that they noticed.

But they did and they made it clear at one of their tour spots...

Let's see how that built up and how it played out for Harry and forever loves...


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