𝟔𝟐 || 𝐇𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬

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I hear whispers coming from Nina's bedroom. "Shh be quiet!"

"I am being quiet. Pussy." I heard a man laugh.

"Is it done?"


I open the door to see Nina is getting a tattoo by a stranger, "Oh shit." He said getting up.

"It's- Uh." She mumbled looking at the guy to say something.

"Out before her Dad sees you and trust me he's going to be a thousand times worse."

He doesn't hesitate and leaves.

"You can't be doing this Nina." I say sitting beside her.

"Why not? It looks hot." She shrugged and smiled as she looked at her tattoo.

"Well because you're only sixteen."

"Pfttt don't say only you're literally only three years older than me." She laughed.

I laughed too, "Okay but still, Rocco will be angry knowing you're bringing guys around who are even older than me."

"Augh fine.. I'll just start going over to they're places." She shrugged and got up.


"What? You said to stop bringing them over and i will." She smiled and walked out of the room.

Rocco smiled at her until he saw the tattoo. He grabbed her wrist "What is this?"

"A tattoo, I just got it done." She crossed her arms.

"Don't get anymore done and how did this even happen? You know what. I don't even want to know." Rocco started walking away and took in a deep breathe.

"You're lucky you're not in trouble." Damien said to her.

She shrugged and walked out the front door.

"Damien i think i'm going to go get a book from the library." I give him a kiss on the cheek and and before i walk away he grabs me by the wrist.

"Let me come with you." He said holding onto my wrist tightly.

I smile "Damien i want to walk there and i'll be fine i promise, See you soon." I leave the house and it's a peaceful walk.

It's 7pm and it's quite dark but i can see where i'm going because of the street lights.

Its windy and my hair is flowing through the wind but not too much. It's also quite cold.

I've been walking for ten minutes and feel like someone is following me, But i could be just paranoia.

I look behind me and see a man, He's wearing a black mask and a hoodie and i couldn't tell who it was.

I start walking faster and so does he and it starts to scare me, I feel goosebumps and my heart begins to race.

I start running then i see he is running as well. I run as fast as i can and my heart is pounding. I look behind me and see he's not there anymore giving me huge relief.

I call Damien hopping he will come pick me up after that experience. I breathe heavily "Damien.. Can you please pick me up? Someone was chasing me- And they were wearing all black."

"I'll be there. Stay on call." He replied. I heard him get into the car and the car racing, He was driving fast.

Before i know it i see his car speeding around the corner and i get into it. "That was weird..."

"What happened?" He asked rubbing his thumb against my cheek.

"A man, He had black mask and black hoodie i started running and he was chasing me, He was really fast and then i lost him." I explain to him trying to catch my breathe.

Damien's fist tightened, He got angry.

"What? Do you think it was the same person who killed Kie..?"

Damien's jaw tightens "Probably." He starts the car and drives off back home.

We walk inside and Vincent is finally out of bed with a smile "Hey." He hugged onto me.

"Good to see you're better." I say to him.

Kyle runs into the room "Guys you've got to see this." We all follow him into the camera room and we see footage of a man wearing a mask and a black hoodie walking away from the house.

Damien's eyes meet mine "That's the guy who just chased me!!" I shout.

"He's fucking dead." Damien snaps, He licks his lips and i grab into his hand. He squeezes it.

"So he's going after Cassie now too? After Kie?" Rocco said staring at the footage. "I'm not letting them get away with this, They're leaving this dead because i have a daughter now and she's not going to be next!" Rocco shouted angry. His face turned red and the vein on his forehead was enhanced.

"We're going to get this person Rocco." I say looking at him and he starts to get a little more calm but still angry.

"Cassie you're not leaving the fucking house anymore, Not without me."

"What? But Kie was killed IN THE HOUSE." I say crossing my arms and letting go of his.

"It's still the safest place you can be Cassie, With Damien." Vincent said tapping onto my shoulder.

I let out a deep breathe not knowing how to answer that, "No one will hurt you when i'm around Cass."

"We're going to find this person and find out what they want." Kyle said looking through more of the footage.

Landon walks in and slams the door open "I'm sick of drinking orange juice! Get me some vodka." He laughed.

Vincent started laughing at him "That was not what i was expecting."

Hi i hope you enjoyed reading this chapter my loves.

I write every chapter for you.

Who's you're favourite character? Beside Cassie and Damien since they're the mains. So who's you're favourite side character?

Hope you're day is going so good.

If you have any questions comment them and i will answer:)

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