𝟒𝟎 || 𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐨𝐱𝐲𝐠𝐞𝐧

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I lay in Damien's arms scared for what's going to happen, Damien doesn't seem scared at all. But when is he ever? Plus it's his sister who he's known all his life.

I hear Kie crying and Rocco is comforting her, "You're sister is a fucking b-"

"What you going to say Kie?" Tana asks. Kie doesn't reply but face the other way.

"We've got to do something." Kie said looking at us all with tears in her eyes.

"Kie.. No because then only one of us get out and the rest die." I say quietly.

"Fuck Tana, Fucking psycho." Damien shouted at her.

"Shut up Damien." Tana rolled her eyes and got comfortable in her blanket.

"Oh my fucking god! They forgot my popcorn." Tana got up angrily and got out of the shed.

"Quick we have time look for a escape, We still have the guns we can use them against her." I say getting up and looking around for escape.

"We don't have to use the guns on her." Rocco said to me.

"No, But if we need to we will." Damien replied to him.

"There's a key!!!" Kie whispered.

"Where?" I ask walking up to her.

It was on the other side, At the bottom of the box there was a gap. "Someone grab it!!" Rocco passed me a stick and i grabbed the keys and got it in.

I let in a deep breathe of relief, I throw the keys to Damien and he opens the door. We're finally out of the box and inside of the shed.

Tana came in and her jaw was dropped, She quickly grabbed her gun and faced it my way.

"You shoot trust me i shoot." She nodded.

"Anyone gonna shoot?" She asked raising her eyebrow.

My gun is still facing her and Damien's gun isn't up he just looks at her angry, He isn't scared of guns i know that.

Kie shoots Tana and Tana falls to the ground.

"FUCK." Tana screamed.

Tana then grabs my ankle and shoots me, I fall to the ground and Damien grabs onto me, "I hate you Tana." Damien said to her.

"I hate you too Damien." She laughed.

I feel the world around me go blur and i feel so dizzy, "Cass stay with us." Damien said putting me into a car that was in front of the shed.

Suddenly everything go blank.


"Fuck." I say walking around waiting for Cass to be okay.

"I'm sure she'll be okay." Rocco said patting me on the back.

I sit down, "I can't believe this is happening." Kie said putting her hand on her forehead.

"This is the second time.. I bet she was teaming with Cass father too." I roll my eyes.

"Cassie's father? Is he a bad person or something." Rocco asked confused.

"Yeah he killed my Father in front of Tana.. Which now i don't give a fuck, Good on her." I say angrily, Rolling my eyes the thoughts at them.

"I can't believe you're sister is bat shit crazy." Kie says.

I grab my phone and call one of my workers, "Go to the shed we were at and grab Tana and out her in the cells, No doctor care. Tell me what happens." I then hang up.

"No doctor care? In cells?" Rocco asks sounding upset.

"Look what she did to us, She doesn't care if we're alive or dead Rocco. It was entertainment to her crazy ass." I scoff.

He took in a deep breathe, I get why he'd be upset. Tana was always his little innocent sister, Now she's pure evil.

She's a stupid self cantered psychopath.

Who i will never never forgive.

"I'm just shocked that- That my little sister is this.. She never was like this, When we first got here she was acting so nice.." He shook his head disappointed.

"Well she gave me that act her whole life." I reply to him.

"What the fuck is taking so long." I get up and go to the doctor, "Cassie is she alright?"

"Sir you're going to have to sit down..." She said guiding me to the seats.

"Just fucking tell me." I shout furiously.

Rocco comes up and pays me on the shoulder, "Maybe you should sit down."

"I'm not fucking sitting down until i now my Cass is alright." I yell.

"I- She's very injured.. And lost a lot of blood, I'd like to explain the rest if you sit down and if you're behaviour goes any further i'm afraid i'll have to have people remove you." She said calmly but shaken.

I reveal my gun to her, "Oh, Really? How about you tell me what the fuck is going on or i will blow you're brains out, Right here right now."

"Damien." Rocco snaps quietly.

"I- Sir... Please follow me to her room." She took me to Cassies room shaking and afraid. I'm not surprised but i'll do anything to know what's wrong with my Cass.

I'd do anything for her, Kill anyone for her.

I cant breathe without her, I am obsessed with her and how she makes me feel. I cant simply breathe without her, She is my oxygen.

I walk into the room and Cassie is still sleeping, Not surprised after what happened. She'd be in a lot of pain.

"Sir.. The bullet wound caused a lot of damage, Her fall to the ground as she had gotten shot hit her head very harshly, It was bleeding and..."

"And?" I demand for a answer.

"She's in a coma." She says looking over at Cassie.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
I simply, Despise Tana now..

I'll be honest, I cried, I'm insanely sensitive.

I hope you're loving the story so far, I love writing it for you all and it brings my day seeing you read and send me votes:)

Also do any of you have any good tv show recommendations?? I'm out lol.

Hope you're having a rlly good day/night, Unlike me mines horrible everyday but i get my little escape when i write for you so i'm okay lol.

If you have any questions, Or anything you'd wanna ask feel free i WILL reply.

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