𝟒𝟕 || 𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐬

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Damien looked over to Vincent, "What do we do with him?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Don't do anything, We are taking him back with us.. He was brainwashed Damien and in a cult, He's never seen any of the outside world." I grab into his arm.

He rolled his eyes, "Fine."


I arrive home from a long drive in the car with Damien, Vincent, Rocco and Kyle, Plus the driver.

We walk inside and i instantly let out a deep breathe, "How much i missed home."

"And you of course." I smile hugging Damien.

He gives me a kiss on the forehead, "I missed you too."

I watched Vincent walk around the house curiously and confused but also amazed.

"Oh and Damien... Don't know if i forgot to mention but that cult was filled with canibals and Vincent is one too." I whisper.

"What???" He said harshly.

"Look! It's not like he wanted to be one, He didn't even know." I crossed my arms

"What's this?" Vincent said holding onto a flower in a pot.

"That's a flower.. In a pot." I smile. I felt bad of what he's been through, He's been grown up to worship some asshole and he hasn't even seen the outside world, Besides since when we were driving.

He let out a deep breathe and sat down, "I can't believe i was in a..."

"Cult." I say giving him a unsure smile.

"Yeah that." He looks down and shakes his head.

"How do we know he ain't gonna try hurt you or... fuck you like he was supposed to in the cult." Damien raised his eyebrow.

"Because when he was in the cult he wasn't even going to." I roll my eyes.

"You're safe here." I put my hand on Vincent's and he smiles.

Damien scoffs, "Too close." He grabs my hand and takes it off his.

I let out a small laugh and give Damien a kiss.

I start wondering, How did the cult know me? How did they find me..?

"Damien, How do you think they knew me? The cult people." I ask him confused.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "I don't know but we'll find out."


Hours go by of me just laying in Damien's arms. "I've missed you so much Damien."

He plays with my hair and smiles. "We're going to have a shower." He grabbed my hand and took me with him.

One thing about Damien, He always needed to be clean. He hated being dirty... In some situations he liked it but that's a different story.

I get into the shower with him and he holds his hands onto my waist placing me kisses on the neck.

He places his chin on the top of my head and i smile, I look down and see something that confuses me on his thigh.. are those scars?

I don't want to say anything because i don't know what i can say that won't sound bad, He would get uncomfortable.

He had thick healed scars on his thighs, Tears filled my eyes. Why would he do this to himself?

I try not to cry, I just wanted to know why he'd
ever do this to himself.

He took his chin off the top of my head and looked at me up and down and smiled.

He then furrowed his eyebrows, "You okay?" He asked placing a kiss on my cheek.

I shake my head "Yeah of course i am."
His face goes cold, Does he know i saw them?

"Damien.. Why do you have." I let out a deep breathe "Scars on you're thigh?"

His face goes blank and he bites his lip hard. He doesn't reply for a couple of seconds, I could tell he didn't know what to say.

He let out a harsh breathe "I used to when it was just a way to cope, To actually feel something."

I give him a kiss and hold onto him, "I don't do that shit anymore because i have you, You make me feel like i can actually feel with you." He said looking at me with his green eyes.

Damien was a very hurt person, He's had addictions, Trauma and so much happen to him. It makes me happy to know i've helped him with his feelings and be able to feel more than anger.

"I love you." I say staring at him and rubbing my thumb against his cheek.

"I love you too." He replied licking his lips then smashing his onto mine, So passionately.

The door suddenly opened and i let out a loud gasp and look who it is, "VINCENT!" I yell.

"Yeah?" He asked confused and shrugged.

Damien got in front of me and covered me, "GET THE FUCK OUT!" He yelled.

"No need to yell." He shamed his head and left.

"Oh my god." I put my hand on my forehead and let out a small laugh.

"He's dead."

"Damien!" I snap, Damien pulls me in and kisses me, "Nobody's allowed to look at you like this but me."


We get out of the shower and i sit next to Vincent on the couch.

Damien rolls his eyes at him, "You can't walk in on people when they're in the shower."

"Where i'm from its very normal." Vincent said taking a bite into his apple.

"Well it ain't normal for people who ain't in cults, The real world, So don't be looking at my girl or anyone in the shower. Got it?" Damien said.

"Got it." Vincent nodded with a smile.

Hi i hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I really love all of you and thanks so much for the support it means the world to me.

So much has been happening my life is crazy. I fully hate it ngl lol.

If you have any questions or anything you want to say comment and i will reply to you.

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