𝟒𝟐 || 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞

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(tw drug use)


Two Months Later
I started losing hope. I didn't think she'd ever wake up, And it pained me. I drank every single day, I started doing drugs again. I was never sober, I couldn't deal with life sober. Not like this.

I had nothing but lost hope. I hadn't been with a woman since Cassie, And i won't because i'm not going to cheat on her. I don't think about anyone but Cassie, My love.

I sit on the couch and start drinking again, There's no point in anything without her.

"Damien, I'm getting worried about you." Kyle sat next to me. Me and Kyle used to be best friends then he kissed Cassie, But since Cassie got into the coma i knew she'd want me and Kyle to be good again. She loved him as a friend.

"Nothing to be worried about Kyle. We're doing good with work, Bringing in more money than ever, We're undefined." I said looking over to him.

He takes in a deep breathe, "I know we're good in the work situation.. But you, Mentally you're not okay."

Rocco walks in and sits with us as well, "He's right Damien."

I roll my eyes, "What is this bullshit? Why are you all so fucking concerned?? You should be concerned about CASSIE!" I shout.

"We are concerned for Cassie, But we're also concerned for you.. You're losing yourself." Rocco shacked his head.

I scoff, "Losing myself? Maybe i'm finding myself! This is who i was everyday before Cassie." Hearing her name leave my mouth hurt. Felt like i was being stabbed in the heart.

I felt my eyes start to feel warm and getting chest pains.

Rocco shakes his head, "No Damien. That wasn't you, When you had Cassie you found yourself and now because she's not here.. You're losing yourself."

Hearing his words leaving his mouth i knew he was right but i wasn't going to admit that.

It had been two months and i had lost every single hope, It felt like years.

"We're here for you Damien." Kyle said patting me on the shoulder, I shake my head. I didn't want anyone but Cassie.

"She's going to wake up." Rocco said, My anger builded up because we didn't know that. I smash my glass onto the wooden floor and yell, "But we don't know that! She could never fucking wake up, YOU HEAR ME."

I walk away to my bedroom that once was mine but became ours, I stand in a house that was once mine and became ours. It was our home. It was our bedroom. And i can't stand being here without her.

I grab the cocaine from under my bed and put it on my bedside table then snort it.
"Fuck it." I do more lines knowing i probably shouldn't, I've been doing a lot of drugs, So many different kinds i don't even remember what.

I shouldn't be doing this much more with it already in my system. But i didn't care, I had to find some way to numb this unexplainable pain.

I lay down and i feel sick to my stomach. But i'd rather feel that pain than emotional.

I get up and everything is dizzy, "What the fuck." I mumble.

I fall to the ground and for a second i couldn't see anything, It was black.

I couldn't move.


"What was that bang?" I say to Kyle furrowing my eyebrows.

I go into Damien's room and see him on the floor foaming out of the mouth. "FUCK." I yell.

"What?" Kyle said running into the room, "What the fuck!" He shouted.

"HELP ME CARRY HIM." I yell grabbing onto his body.

"Let's get him into the car and get him to the hospital as soon as fucking possible." I say to Kyle, Panicking.

I couldn't think straight, I wasn't about to lose my brother.

I get him into the car and his body starts moving uncomfortably, I wanted to cry.

"Is he having a seizure????" Kyle asked.

"Yes." I reply, "DRIVE FASTER." I yell.

We finally get to the hospital and we carry him side, "He had a drug overdose!" Kyle shouts.

They put him on a bed and rush him into a room and i stand still not being able to move, What the fuck was happening.

I had lost my brother for a long time, I couldn't lose him now.

My eyes begin to water but i don't want anyone to see me cry. He was my little brother, He was hurting so bad that he started drinking more and doing drugs, It hurt me that he was in so much pain that he was doing that.

I shake my head and sit down. So dizzy from the stress.

"I can't believe this is happening." Kyle shakes his head.

"She woke up!" I hear someone shout.

"Do you think they mean Cassie?" Kyle stands up.

I stand up with him, "Oh fuck." I say under my breathe. The wrong time for her to be waking up is right now.

I hope you're enjoying this chapter and my story.

This chapter is so sad i know, I'm sorry if this has ever happened to you or someone you love.

It means so much to me that you're reading <3

If you ever need to talk to anyone or rant please message me!! I will always be here for every single one of you.

If you have any questions or anything you wanna say, Please comment and i will reply:)

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