𝟓𝟏 || 𝐌𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲

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"We're here about you're daughter.." I say to him trying not to have eye contact.

He scoffed and shook his head, "She's no daughter of mine."

"Why's that?" Kyle asked.

"Because she's a murderer, Psycho, Theif.. Worst of it all." His croaky voice said.

"How do we know you're telling the truth?" I shrug.

"Just trust me.. Get away from her as soon as possible... Ask Daniel about her." He said looking around the room.

I look around the room to try find what he's looking at. "Daniel who?" Damien asked.

"Daniel Kushnir." He said.

"Times up." The guard said walking up to us.

"Good luck." Emara's Father said giving us a nod and walking back to his cell.

We get into the car and i let out a deep breathe. "Told you!" Damien said.

"Okay we don't know anything yet okay! Besides what her father said." I snap.

"You sure about that?" Kyle smirked looking at Damien.

"What?" I look at them both.

Kyle reveals a piece of paper and then read what's on it. He coughs "When Emara was ten she was admitted to the psych ward for the very first time." "She had killed one of the psych workers at the age of twelve."

Damien taps my knee with his finger. "So no matter what she's a killer." Kyle said.

"That bitch is probably getting intonation, Need to get that thing out of my house now." Damien said angry.


We finally arrive home and Emara has a look on her face, Like she knew.

"Hey." I say awkwardly giving her a smile.

"I know you went to see my Father." She crossed her arms.

"And how do you know this?" Kyle questioned moving towards her.

"Because i'm not dumb." She rolled her eyes.

"Whats happening?" Vincent asked confused.

"So is it true?" I ask.

"Yes it's all true, My Father is in prison because i made a dumb mistake when i was ten." She looked disappointed in herself.

"Then why is he paying for you're actions?" Damien said raising his eyebrows.

"Because he's no good either! I don't want to see him again and he deserves to be there anyways..." She tapped her foot against the wooden floor.

I wanted to ask about Daniel but i wasn't sure this was the right time.

"Doesn't matter if he's a good or bad person, You're a killer.. Who over reacted when Vincent popped his murder cherry, So now.. Why this act?" Damien said in his deep raw voice.

She shook her head and crossed her arms. "Because... I just hate being around it now. It reminds me of when i was a kid, I can't be around it."

"If you so ever think about hurting anyone here, I will gladly decapitate you." Damien said walking towards her.

"Got it." She smiled and walked into Vincent's bedroom.

I followed Damien to his bedroom and started wondering who Daniel is.

"Told i was right." He smirked.

"When will we see Daniel?" I ask him as i sit next to him on the bed.

"Tomorrow, Kyles sorting it out." He said in his tired voice.

He rolled over and took off his shirt. "I'm tired."

"I'm not." I say smiling getting on top of him "Im not tired yet Damien." I say.

"Go to sleep or i'll put you to sleep." Damien yawned.

"Put me to sleep?" I laugh. "How would you do that?"

"Let your imagination run wild." He kissed me.

I laid down and his arms wrapped around my waist, "Good night." I said.

He kissed the back of my neck and we both went to sleep.


"He's here." I wake up to Kyle patting on my shoulder.

Damien grabbed his gun from next to him and pointed it at Kyle, "Out." Damien said in his sleepy voice.

"We have a gun in the bed??" I say confused.

"For protection." Damien replied.

"Well he's here, Daniel." Kyle said.

"Okay we'll get ready." I say getting up. I begin to get ready and so does Damien. "What do you think we're going to find out?"

"I don't know.. That she's some psycho bitch." Damien replied.

We go out there and i sit down at the table with him, "Is Emara here..?" I ask Vincent as he grabs a water from the fridge.

"Uh no she just left." He replied walking back to his bedroom.

Rocco comes and grabs a pear and starts eating it, "So who's this?" He looked at Daniel.

"That's Daniel." I give a unsure smile.

"Okay well me and Kie will be back later." He grabbed his bag and left with Kie.

"Okay, Tell us everything you can about Emara." I say to Daniel.

Daniel licks his lips, "That feels like a threat."

"Because it is." Damien said raising his eyebrow.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter it means so much to me that you've read it.

Thoughts on Daniel? What kind of person do you think he is.

What's you're favourite drink?

If you have anything you want to say or any questions feel free to say anything and i will reply.

If you want to know what happens next continue reading!

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