𝟓𝟗 || 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐞

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"Damien? Seriously? How big is yours family?" I say not believing this. He just has family members everywhere.

"That's it! That's all my family, Dead sister, Rocco, Dead father, Stupid mother, Just found our niece and my uncle!"

"What kind of person is you're uncle?" I ask him.

"He's not like my Father, He's more... relaxed. But he does stuff like this just for the jokes and fun of it.. He wouldn't actually want to hurt us." Damien's words made me confused, Is this what him and his family think is fun?

After a long drive home i walk into our bedroom, I take off my shirt to see a massive purple bruise. "Damien it's already bruised."

Damien walks towards me. "How do you feel?" His green eyes looked my way.

"Hurts but not that much, Surprisingly." I roll my eyes thinking about what my sister did.

He started leaving kisses, I laugh out in pain. "Damien! That hurts!"

"Oh really?" He smirked kissing it more and his mouth making its way to mine. His hand then began to undo my bra.

The door slams open. "Hey!" A man i don't recognise says with a smile.

"Fuck!" Damien shouts "Ever learn to knock?" He says angrily, Passing me my shirt.

I quickly throw on my shirt and stare at the man, He looked hot, And looked a lot like Damien. "Who's this?" I ask him.

Damien opens his mouth to say something but the man in front of us interrupts "Landon! His uncle." He smiled walking into the room.

Landon seemed like a pretty young name to me, But then again he was very immature by the seems of it.

"Hey, This is a massive house. Proud of you." Landon said looking around the house.

"Yeah." Damien got up and we walked to the dining table and just sat down.

Kyle finally wakes up "You okay?" I ask as Kyle walks over to us and sits down.

"Oh yeah.." He rubs his eyes and looks over to Landon. "Who's this?"

"My uncle." Damien looked at Landon.

"Best uncle!" Landon smiled.

"Only uncle." Damien said looking back to Kyle.

Kyle laughed and so did Vincent, I could hear him laughing from his bedroom.

"Me and Kyle going to the computer room and talk about work, I'll be back soon." Damien said leaving me a kiss on the cheek then leaving.

"So, Damien did get himself a good one." Landon laughed as he took a sip of his juice.

"Hahaha yeah." I laugh awkwardly.

I stand up and go get myself a water and feel Landon's arms wrap around me, I turn around to see his big figure so close to mine.

"Sorry." I say giving him a nervous smile and getting out of his way.

"It's okay." He smiled then slapped his hand on my ass.

"Uhh okay." I walked off and went into the computer room with Damien and Kyle.

"What's wrong?" Damien asks as i sit on his lap.

"Well, I don't know how to say this but you're uncle he." I try to think of a way to say this.

"He what?" Damien stared at me waiting for the answer.

"He slapped me ass."

Kyle smiled and rolled his lips turning his face around trying not to laugh in front of Damien.

"Be careful Damien, He might steal you're girl." Kyle said as Damien got up and stormed off.

"Fuck off!" Damien shouted back and i started laughing at Kyles jokes.


"You fucking serious?" I walk into the backyard spa to see Uncle Landon having the time of his life.

Chicks all on him and drinking together having fun.

"What?" He smiled as a girl traced her red nails against his chest.

"You touched Cassie, You're not allowed to do that." I say biting the inside of my lips.

"Okay sorry.. Who knew he'd have such bad anger issues over little things." Landon laughed with the girls.

"Over what finish you're sentence." I demand.

"Over nothing, Just like you're Father." He whispered, The smile on his face never fading and his eyes never meeting mine.

Hearing Landon say just like my father made my heart sink, I try not to think about him as much as possible.

I scoff, "No, Difference is i would never do what he has." I shake my head and storm off then hear his words "But you have."

I stop and take a deep breathe in, I turn around "Have what?"

"You have already done what he's done." Landon shouts.

"And what's that?" I ask as my chest moves fast, My anger growing every second as i wait for the answer.

Landon snapped his tongue against the roof of his mouth, "You're a killer, Damien... You followed the foot steps he wanted you too without even realising it, You can't even feel empathy for anyone but you're Cassie." He took another sip of his drink and let out a deep breathe as i just stare at him "What am i wrong?" He smirks.

I punch him in the face and he grunts, "Something he'd do!"

I punch him again and the girls around him run away scared "Oh no!" One of them shouts.

"Damien what are you doing?!" Cassie yells as she grabs my hand and pulls me away.

Landon's blood going into the hot spa. He still had a smile, He did things like this for fun.

"Nothing." I yank my arm away from her and look at Landon one more time and shake my head then go inside.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, Thank you so much for reading it.

Thoughts on Uncle Landon?

How is everyone?

I know this is random but i hope all the worries you have right now will disappear and the things you're worried will come for you, I wish you all the best. I'm currently worried and scared about it for months but i know everything will be alright:)

If you want to say anything or ask a question comment and i will reply to you<3

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