𝟑𝟔 || 𝐑𝐨𝐜𝐜𝐨

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I fall asleep and trap myself in a dream of something that once before happened.

"Rocco." Father yelled.

Rocco didn't answer him, "I'll get him." I say to father as i'm running to his bedroom.

There's a bong on the floor and three girls on his bed and they're all laughing, "What do you want Damien?" Rocco said rolling his eyes.

"Father wants you." I say as my eyes are looking around his room curiously.

"Okay." Rocco gets up and closes his bedroom door following me to Father.

"Tell them girls to leave. We have some things that need to be done, Just us men." Father said grabbing the guns.

Rocco went into his room and told the girls to leave and they did, Rocco didn't seem to happy about it.

We go into our backyard and there's a man tied up, Blood dripping from his head.

"What happened to him?" I ask Father looking his way.

"He's a bad man.. He did me wrong, You know what we do to people that do us wrong?" Father asked me and Rocco.

"Yep." Rocco said rolling his eyes then grabbing the gun off father, The bullet went through his face and a smile grew on Fathers face.

"There's actually more bodies for you two to fight and kill off, Be grateful." Father smiled taking us to the shed.

"You're turn Damien." Father said lifting his head towards the man he wants me to kill first.

I nod my head at him and grab the knife off him, "A little kid ain't gonna kill me, You gone mad?" The man said letting out a laugh.

I grab the knife and stab him in the neck and watch him choke on his own blood, His eyes widen once he knows what had just happened.

"Good job son! Now you have to kill all of them before i get back." Father said leaving the room, Leaving me and Rocco alone.

"I'm running away Damien." Rocco said.

"What, Why?" I ask confused as we are shooting and stabbing the men.

"It's not normal here, You think it's normal because this is what you grew up with... I know it's not normal because i mainly live with my friends all the time, And it's not like this there.." He sighed.

"But, He's doing what's best, Teaching us how to be strong and not weak." I look up to him.

"That's what you think, But i'm going to go away. Hopefully one day you make the same decision." Rocco said giving me a slight smile.

I give him a hug and Rocco pats on my head, "Hopefully we will see each other again some day Damien, I'll miss you brother." Rocco said grabbing his bag and leaving.

I didn't want to cry because then father would know i knew and i'd get consequences for it.

"Look at you two.. Brother bonding." I put a bullet through the man's face.

Hours go by and i've already killed and tortured them all.

I go inside and i see Father and another fighting, "What's wrong?" I ask him.

Father comes closer to me and gets on his knees and puts his hands on my shoulders, "Where is Rocco?"

"What.. I don't know Father." I say.

He than punches me and i fall to the ground, "LIAR!" He yelled.

"Don't lie to you're father." Mother said shaking her head and smoking her cigarette.

"You're brother is gone and so are his things." Father said walking around in circles.

"Father didn't you say caring about someone is weak?" I say hoping i won't get in trouble for my words.

He scoffed, "I don't care i just want to kill him." A small smile appears on his face and his eyes widen. He was truely crazy.

"What-" I say backing up, How could he kill one of his own?

"You heard me." Father rolled his eyes.

I go to bed and lay there for hours, Until i'm woken by a loud gunshot.

As i'm about to go outside i see Father walk in, "What's that?"

"I killed your brother, Remember that's what happens when you go against you're Fathers rules, Understand me?" He said walking to the table and pouring himself a drink.

I let out a deep breathe, "Yes Father."


"Are you okay Damien? You mumbled a lot in you're sleep." She said brushing her fingers through my hair.

"Yeah i'm fine." I get up and get changed, I may as well find this Rocco today.

Having to kill someone with the same name as my brother caused me to think about what happened in the past.

"You coming?" I ask Cass.

"Where?" She asked

"To kill Rocco." I said packing our stuff in suitcases.

After everything is packed i head to the car and get our driver to drive us to the location, It's going to be a long hell of a drive.


I then wake up from my sleep with Cassie still sleeping in my lap. "Why'd you stop?" I asked the driver.

"We're here, This is the last hotel Rocco was at, See if you can get information." The driver said.

Cassie wakes up and yawns, "I'm coming." She said putting on her shoes again and getting out of the car.

I go to the hotel worked and ask "Has somebody by the name Rocco booked a room?"

"Sorry we're not allowed to give that type of information out." He said giving a friendly

"Oh really?" I said then pulling out my gun and pointing it to her face, "Can you now?"

Hope you're enjoying this story and this chapter, Means so much that you're reading.

Thoughts on the Rocco situation..?

I do love writing in Damien's POV, It's quite nice.

If there's anything you wanna say or questions you wanna ask comment and i will reply:)

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