𝟓𝟎 || 𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞

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Weeks go by and me and Emara have made it offical. I know it's quick but our feelings, They're so strong i can't explain it.

I walk inside and see Damien and Cassie talking in his office, they look nervous. Well Cassie at least, with Damien you never know what he's feeling.

"Is everything okay?" I ask. Damien looks at me and replies "Yes. Go away." He then closes the door and i roll my eyes. Didn't have to be that rude.

I walk into my bedroom and see Emara. I smile, "Hey." I give her a kiss.

I lay down and she gets on top of me taking off her top. "I missed you." She kisses me.

"It's only been three hours." I laugh, "I know..." She pouts. "But i want you so bad." She smirked and trailed her fingers down to my belt.

There's then a gun shot.

What's happening. I get up "Stay in here." I shout closing the door.

"What's happening!" I yell at Damien.

"He fucking went against my rules!" Damien scoffed shaking his head.

"Damien Emara is over." Cassie snaps.

"What? So?" Damien walked off and the man was still alive, He grabbed the gun out of his pocket and went to go shoot Cassie.

I grab the gun off Damien's desk and shoot the man and his body bangs against the floor.

Emara walks in and starts breathing heavily. "Vincent.." She mumbled.

Tears filled her eyes and she began to run, I grab her by the wrist and take her into my bedroom.

"Emera! You don't understand!" I yell at her holding her shoulders.

"LET ME GO!" She yells moving and trying to leave.

"He was going to shoot Cassie! I protected her." I shout trying to get her to understand.

She looks horrified at what she had just seen. "I love you Emara." I kiss her trying to get her to stop panicking.

"You're a murderer... I could never love a murderer." She got up and stormed off. She doesn't love me anymore.

All of this felt pointless, I had actually found somebody who wanted me and loved me but this situation i'm in had to fuck it all up.

I look at my phone to see a notification.

I'm sorry for freaking out.. My Father was a murderer and got locked up for killing a lot of people, It's not about him killing it's about who he killed.

Im sorru shout that Emara.
Please come back.

I will.
But please explained everything to me. I don't care that you're a murderer i love you i just want to know. Why?

I'm not a murderer Emara. I was protecting Cassie.

I believe you.

I hear a knock at the door and it's Emara. Her arms wrap around my waist. "Sorry." She whispers.

Emara confused me a lot, She was a very mixed emotion person

I sat down on my bed and explained everything, Including Damien and Cassie.

"I was just scared Vincent, I hadn't seen stuff like that since i was a kid and... I don't know i just for scared!" She stood up and shakes her head.

"It's okay.." I say confused giving her a kiss on the cheek.

She got on top of me again, "I love you, I do."

"I love you too." I smiled kissing her back.


Damien rolls his eyes. "Could they be any quieter?"

We could hear... Happy screams coming from Vincent's bedroom.

"I thought they were arguing?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Sure sounds like it." Damien laughs walking towards me."Who is this Emara girl anyways.."

"Damien, Not everyone has a secret life or is hiding something." I laugh and roll my eyes at Damien's paranoia.

"Really? Then why am i always right." He nodded with a smile.

"Let's go to Kyle." Damien said walking to the computer room.

"Kyle, Find out everything you can on Vincent's new lady friend Emara" He smiled knowing he was right.

"Okay." Kyle said heading to his computer and searching as much as possible. As we are about to leave Kyle stops us. "Wait." Kyle said.

Damien smiled "Already?"

"Her father is in prison... For murder... Her father said he didn't do it and it was Emara, The father has a life sentence." Kyle said showing us the computer.

"See." Damien nodded.

"You serious! She would've been like ten when that happened." I shake my head. "The Father probably just wanted someone to blame."

"I was younger than that and murdering grown men, It's not impossible for a child to kill someone Cassie." He said as his eyes scanned the computer screen.

"Let's go talk to him." Kyle said getting up.

"Augh! What ever." I follow them to the car and Damien the whole way had a smile on his face "Lose that smile Damien, We don't even know if you're right yet."

"You sure about that?" He smirked and looked my way.

"We'll see." I look away from him. His hand tightens on my thigh, "Yeah we will."

"We're here." Kyle said looking at us in the backseat.

I was nervous, I'm not really sure why but i was. We walked into the prison and asked to see Danylo, Emaras Father.

We sit at the table in front of him and her Father reveals a smile and licks his top lip, "What you here for? I haven't had visitors in a very long time." He said slowly.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

This is the only chapter i'll be doing of someone that isn't in Damien or Cassies pov.

I just wanted to do this since Vincent is a new character and so is Emara and i thought it would be a good idea.

(Hope you liked it)

Also how crazy, 50 Chapters??? To everyone who's reading thank you so much for supporting this book! I cant wait to upload even more chapters.

If you have any questions or anything you want to say comment and i will reply to you

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