Peter's POV: Rescue Mission

Start from the beginning


We made it to the planet known as Titan and man was it a shit hole. The whole place was deserted, covered in ruins and dirt. Nothing but dirt. We waited in the shadows for any sign of Thanos. And even though it basically took forever, finally another ship entered the atmosphere. This ship was falling apart as it crashed landed to the ground. Mantis, Drax and I took off running.

We broke through the broken ship to get inside. There was three beings standing in a circle. I couldn't hear what they were saying and I didn't care. I just wanted to find Thanos, and get my wife and Gamora back. I tossed one of the grenades towards the strange looking people and it exploded into the air. The small blast, blew the three people apart. My mask was down and I came in holding up my two blasters, alongside Mantis and Drax.

    "Thanos!" Drax yelled throwing his dagger at the strange man with a cape.

He seemed to create a magical shield with his hands protecting himself. Drax let out another yell in anger and the man's cape floated off his back and came barreling towards Drax and engulfing him with it. While Drax tangled with the magical cape, Mantis and I both moved forward after the other people. I began shooting blasts at the man in a metal suit. While the other person a little smaller in size was left to Mantis.

He began to fly in the air after me, trying to shoot little missiles which I easily dodged. Although when I looked forward the blast caught me and I lost control. Falling right back into the arms of the metal man. With ease I attached a electron pulsator to his chest and he tossed me away. I landed on my feet on the ground skidding backwards while letting out a laugh of excitement. I clicked the button in my hand activating the pulsator. He looked down to see it activate and it magnetized him to the wall.

    "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Please don't put your eggs in me!" The little Spider looking kid whined as Mantis moved closer to him with her glowing antennae. He began shooting out some sort of webbing at Mantis and I frowned flying towards them. I kicked the creature in the side and sent him flying sideways.

    "Stay down, clown." I demanded.

The person got up and I began shooting blasts at him. He seemed to attach himself to things pretty easily and suddenly extra legs came out from his body. Gross, he really was like a spider. He leapt around avoiding my blasts. So I grabbed a electric rope from my arsenal belt and threw it at him as he leapt back at me. It wrapped around him and he fell to the floor screaming.

    "Die, blanket of death!" Drax called out still struggling with the cape.

I ran over to the Spider creature and lifted him up, holding my blaster to his head. The strange man with magic stood with a shield up and the man of metal stood over Drax just as he got the cape off himself.

    "Everybody stay where you are. Chill the eff out." I commanded. I clicked the side of my mask and it recoiled back into the ear piece. "I'm gonna ask you this one time. Where is Y/n and Gamora?"

    "Yeah. I'll do you one better. Who's Y/n and Gamora?" The man of metal asked, retracting his own helmet and revealing his face.
    "I'll do you one better. Why is Y/n and Gamora!" Drax chimed in and I rolled my eyes.

    "Tell me where the girls are or I swear to you I'm gonna French fry this little freak." I stated pushing the blaster to the guys' head a little more.

    "Let's do it. You shoot my guy and I'll blast him. Let's go!" The man of metal challenged.

    "Do it, Quill! I can take it." Drax mentioned breathing heavily as the man formed a giant gun around his hand.

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