S3|Chapter Twenty: Aliens & Cryptids

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Ben has met some of the family members in Secret Saturdays. He has met Doc, Zak and Fiskerton.

"Sorry, Ben, but these Chupacabras are Cryptids, and they're attacking Bellwood's alien population." Doc told the Omnitrix Wielder.

"We know. My partners and I have been tracking them for a week." Ben said. "This is the first time we actually caught up with one. Hopefully, Rook and Luna has caught it by now."

Rook ran towards the group, breathing heavily. "I did not." He said.

Luna is on a tree, standing on a branch. He has his hood up. He jumps down and landed next to the Revonnahgander. "Sorry, guys. It got away." He said, lowering his hood.

Rook saw the Saturdays. "Hello. You must be the Saturdays. Thank you for coming." He said, bowing his head respectfully.

"Hey, guys. Haven't seen you in a while." Luna greeted the Saturdays, smiling.

"Hey, Luna." Zak greeted, waving his hand. Fiskerton also waves at the Half-Human.

"Hello to you too, Fiskerton." Luna greeted.

"Huh? You knew they were coming?" Ben asked, looking at Rook. "And you know them?" He asked, looking at Luna.

"Magister Tennyson called them due to their cryptozoological expertise." Rook said. "Although, I have made an extensive study of all life-forms on Earth, and I am certain that Chupacabras do not exist." He said, shaking his head.

"That's because of us." Zak said. "We met Luna back when we helped Max with Cryptid-related matters." He informed.

"Pretty much." Luna said, nodding.

"It's our job to make sure Cryptids stay hidden for their own protection." Doc said, and walks towards an area.

"That makes sense." Rook said, him and the others follows Doc.

"It does? Am I the only sane one around here?" Ben asked.

Doc follows the signal, and it reaches an lizard man who has been turned into a statue.

"So, the Chupacabras took up sculpting?" Ben asked.

Rook inspects the statue with his Proto-Tool flashlight.

"It's not a statue, Ben. It has a pulse." Rook told the Omnitrix Wielder.

"And this wound is consistent with the reports from the previous alien attacks." Zak said, seeing a wound on the shoulder.

"Which means whatever or whoever did this, is turning aliens into sculptures." Luna said.

"We'll take him up to the airship, see if we can cure him." Doc said, looking up.

Ben looks up, he gasped seeing the Secret Saturday's Airship.


[Secret Saturdays' Airship]

Now on the airship, Zak and Fiskerton is showing Ben, Rook and Luna around.

"The control room's down the hall, and that's the game room." Zak told the three.

"Rook, Luna, we definitely need our own airship." Ben said, looking at both his partners.

"We already have a spaceship and an underground headquarters." Rook said.

"And neither of them has a game room." Ben said.

Mothra - Ben 10: Omniverse (Ongoing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon