S2|Chapter Sixteen: Ninja Time

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[Bellwood - Streets]

In the streets of Bellwood, a giant robot from Dimension 12 is seen attacking the city.

The robot was about to attack a citizen, but Rook saves them in time. The Revonnahgander fires at the robot with his blaster, as the citizen ran away.

Luna is in his Human Form, and holding Spark(Multi-Tool) who is in Bow Mode. The Half-Human fired arrows at the robot's head. The robot turned towards him.

Ben(Humungousaur), who has transformed into Vaxasaurian, throws a manhole cover at the distracted robot's head knocking it down.

Another robot appears and went to attack Ben(Humungousaur), but the Omnitrix Wielder stops it and toss it over his shoulder slamming it onto the ground.

Ben(Humungousaur) was going towards the robot, until a kid, Billy Billions appeared in front of him.

"You forgot to say, "it's hero time."" The Billy said to Ben.

"Sorry, kid. No time for autographs." Ben(Humungousaur) said, walking over Billy, and went towards the robot.

Ben(Humungousaur) stops, as he dodges a laser from hitting him. He saw another robot went towards him, while the previously fallen robot gets back up.

Ben(Humungousaur) ran, he grabs a manhole cover blocking the laser, but lets it go as the manhole cover melts.

"Ben Tennyson, I demand that you-" Billy said, he is now on top of a car, but he got interrupted.

"Dude, I don't have time for fan boys right now. We're in the middle of fight here!" Ben(Humungousaur) stated, he ran, he jumps to avoid an attack, but was slapped away towards another robot.

Rook and Luna ran towards where Ben(Humungousaur) is, and the three stood back to back.

Ben(Humungousaur) was facing one of the robot. While Rook and Luna were facing another.

Both robots prepares to attack the heroes. The heroes duck, preparing themselves. Rook tries to cover Luna.

"Halt!" Billy commanded, looking at his stopwatch.

The robots stops on Billy's commands.

"Um, Ben, I do not believe this is a fan boy." Rook said.
"Definitely not." Luna said.
Both Revonnahgander and Half-Human looks at the Omnitrix Wielder.

"Ha! Furthest thing from it, in fact." Billy said, walking towards the heroes. "I just wanted you to acknowledge me as your arch-nemesis and... destroyer." He said, and stops in front of Ben(Humungousaur). "And now that that's out of the way, Humungo-bore... attack." He said.

The heroes saw the robots starts moving again, preparing to attack them.

Ben(Humungousaur) picks up Billy. "I don't know how you're controlling those things, but tell them to back off." He told the child.

Billy activates his jetpack, and floats. "Unh-unh." He said, shaking his finger.

"Ben, that child may, in fact, be an adversary, rather than a-" Rook said.

"Duck!" Ben(Humungousaur) warned, and he ducks.

"Where?" Rook asked, looking behind. He saw the saw.

"Not that duck! This duck!" Luna said, he tackles Rook to the ground.

The three heroes avoided the saw that was about to attack them. The saw missed them, but it sliced the building.

Ben(Humungousaur) grabs both his partners, and ran, avoiding the building that was about to crush them.

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