S2|Chapter Seventeen: Engagement Ritual?!

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[Jewelry Store - Outside]

In Bellwood, Fistina had stolen some jewels from a Jewelry Store.

Ben, who had transformed into XLR8, fought against Fistina. The alien's head flew towards a wall, from Ben's tornado move.

The Proto-TRUK arrived, three figures came out. Zoe, Rook and Luna.

Luna is in his human form, he has his hood up. Spark sat on his shoulder.

"Well done, Ben. Now to take her in." Rook said, he walked towards Fistina's head. "It should... only take... a moment." He said, struggling.

Luna and Zoe looks at each other, they giggled, seeing Rook having some trouble. Spark laughs.

Zoe walked towards Rook, and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Here, Blonko. Let me." She said.

Rook steps aside, and Zoe stood in front of Fistina's head. The female Revonnahgander easily took out Fistina's head from the wall.

"Go, Zoe." Luna said, clapping and cheering, for his best friend.
"That is quite impressive, sister." Rook said to Zoe.

"Oh, it is no trouble at all." Zoe said, carrying Fistina's head beside her.

Zoe had came to Earth earlier than Chloe, since only one of them can come back to Earth, for now. The two sisters decided on Zoe, since that way Chloe can spend more time with Rayona, and Zoe can come back to Earth early. To the both of them, it was a win-win.

"Is she even going to fit in the truck? She's huge!" Ben(XLR8) said.

"Huge?! I am not huge." Fistina stated. "For an Acrosian, I am quite dainty." She said.

"Ben, it is no good to be commenting on a lady's size." Zoe said, shaking her head.

Both Rook and Luna saw Fistina's body going to grab the Omnitrix Wielder.
"Ben, look out!" He warned.
"Behind you!" Luna warned.

Ben(XLR8) saw Fistina's body, he tries to avoid it, but the body steps on his tail, stopping him.

Zoe took out a small round-shaped device. She threw it at Fistina's body. The device expands, forming a magenta-colored coil around Fistina's body, immobilizing it.

Fistina's body fell, and Ben(XLR8) is also crushed under it.

"Oh, very effective, Plumber." Fistina said to Zoe.

"Immobilizing bombs, always comes in handy." Zoe said, and winks at Fistina.

Ben(XLR8) grunts, he reverts back to his human form, and climbs out. "Why'd you knock over that jewelry store, anyway?" He asked Fistina.

"I adore pretty things..." Fistina stated. "Such as you, little woman. I like the way you move." She said to Zoe.

The five heroes looks at each other. They decided not to comment on what Fistina said. But Zoe gave Fistina another wink.

"Huh." Ben said, he saw what was on TV.

The TV was showing, Julie Yamamoto in the headline: Rising Young Star In Tennis. "Julie's back in town. Why didn't she call?" He questioned, looking at the TV screen, a bit saddened.

Zoe, Rook and Luna walked towards the Omnitrix Wielder.

"Something to ponder after we deliver the prisoner." Rook said.

"Come on, Ben. Let's get back to the Plumbers HQ." Luna suggested.

"Hey, Fistina, you in any hurry?" Ben asked, looking at the criminal's head.

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