S2|Chapter Thirteen: Mr. Smoothy Night

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[Bellwood - Streets]

It was nighttime in the streets of Bellwood, but it wasn't quiet.

Trombipulor, an elephant-like alien, crashes into a car.

Ben(Four Arms), who has transformed into a Tetramand, leaps onto Trombipulor, and grabs the alien's ears.

"Give up, Trombipulor, I've got you outnumbered. Four arms to two!" Ben(Four Arms) said.

Trombipulor grabs Ben's(Four Arms') unoccupied arms, stopping him. He attacks Ben(Four Arms) with his trunk, and kicks the Omnitrix Wielder back.

Trombipulor gets back up, and starts walking towards Ben(Four Arms). "I came to Earth to find the source of absolute power, not to get into a street fight." He stated, and stretches his arms. "But there's no reason I can't do both."

An orange energy blast and white electric bolt was seen flying past Trombipulor. The elephant-like alien saw Rook, Luna and two other Plumbers arriving with their blasters, firing at him.

Luna had his hood down. And Spark(Multi-Tool) is in Blaster Mode.

Trombipulor blocks the attacks from hitting his face, and he rushed towards them.

Rook gasped seeing Trombipulor running at them, he grabs Luna, and they both jumped out of the way. But the other two Plumbers went flying into the air.

Trombipulor stopped, he turns around, and Ben(Four Arms) hits him with a metal pole on the head, which bents the metal pole.

"Huh?" Ben(Four Arms) said, confused.

"Mess with Trombipulor, you get the tusks!" Trombipulor said.

Ben(Four Arms) and Trombipular stares at each other for a bit, before they engage in battle again.

Rook held his Plumbers Badge up, broadcasting the fight. "Plumber HQ! We need immediate assistance. I repeat, immediate assistance." He said, into the Comm-link.

"And we're gonna need it fast!" Luna said, standing next to Rook. Spark mumbles out an agreement.

[Plumbers HQ - Lab]

Both Driba and Blukic were in the lab, the screen was broadcasting the fight, which the two Galvans did not notice.

"Driba, why can't we just buy a new 3D holographic monitor?" Blukic asked, lying on a floating chair.

"You know how much that costs?" Driba asked, he was holding some wires. "All we need to hack this spare transponder into this monitor." He said, and fiddles with some of the wires.

Behind the Galvans, Ben(Four Arms), Rook, Luna and Spark(Multi-Tool) were seen fighting Trombipulor.

"Isn't that the transponder from the code red alarm?" Blukic asked.

"Ugh, we only need the code red alarm if there's a code red. I'll order a new one before anything bad happens." Driba said, and connects two wires, which goes static.

Driba turns around, seeing the screen full of statics. He scratches his head, confused. "Try another A.V. input." He told Blukic, who stops in front of him.

Blukic clicks on a remote, and it shows the Mr. Smoothy commercial.

"Smooth is smooth, but you haven't had smooth until you've had Mr. Smoothy's. Mr. Smoothy's - where a kid can be... Smooth." The commercial said.

Driba and Blukic looks at each other, fascinated, then at the screen again. "Smooth." They said, delighted.


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