S2|Chapter Fifteen: Meeting the Family

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[Space - Proto-TRUK]

Ben, Rook, Luna and Spark are currently in the Proto-TRUK, in space. The heroes are going to Rook's home-world for the harvest.

"There it is... Revonnah." Rook said, pointing at the planet.

"It's beautiful." Luna said, smiling, and looking at the planet. Spark mumbles out an agreement.

Rook smiled at the half-human, who is focused on the planet.

"Bet you're glad to get home, huh, Rook?" Ben asked.

"I am." Rook said, nodding. "I have not participated in the harvest in some time. And it will be good for you to dig in and get your hands dirty." He said to Ben. "And it would also be great to meet my family." He said, looking at the two, but more specifically at Luna.

Luna laughed a bit. "I'm sure your family would be lovely." He said. "Not to mention, I might also get the chance to see my friends."

"Whatever. Being a hero is all about working with my hands." Ben said. He starts gesturing hitting the Omnitrix. "Humungousaur? Boom! Shocksquatch? Boom!"

Rook shook his head in disagreement. "Not quite what I meant." He said, looking at the Omnitrix Wielder.

"Ben, we're talking about farming and tuff. You know? Without the Omnitrix?" Luna asked

"Right." Ben said, awkwardly pointing at Rook. "Field work. Can't wait." He said, folding his arms.

"You will love Revonnah at harvest time. We have majestic, rugged terrain. Oh, and the people." Rook told the two, as they went into orbit. "You will see, Ben and Luna. Revonnahganders are gentle, peace-loving farmers. They will welcome you two with open arms."

As the Proto-TRUK gets closer to the ground, suddenly fireworks starts going off dangerously close to them.

"AHH! Not exactly open-arms, Rook!" Ben said, looking at the Revonnahgander. "I thought you folks were peaceful farmers!" He said, as more fireworks goes off close to them.

"It is the opening of the harvest." Rook explained.

A bunch of Revonnahganders were on the ground, in an opening, as they all watch the fireworks.

"For millennia, my people have launched fires during the harvest to fend off the mindless, crop-destroying rodents." Rook said.

"Oh. Blowing stuff up to celebrate, I can get behind." Ben said. "As long as we're not one of the things that explodes." He said, sternly.

"Well, as long as we avoid the fireworks, everything will be fine." Luna said. Spark nodded in agreement.

The heroes continues to fly towards an area.


[Rook's Home - Outside]

Rook landed his Proto-TRUK outside on a port. It was nighttime.

The heroes got off, and went towards a large cottage. There was a bunch of farming tools that has some similarities to a scythe, outside.

Rook grabs one of the farming tools, and spins it around, practicing his skills. The Revonnahgander smiled at both the Omnitrix Wielder and Half-Human.

"Impressive." Luna complimented, smiling.

Rook smile widened at Luna's compliment. He walks towards a rock, he uses the farming tool and removes a fruit from it.

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