S3|Chapter Twenty-Three: Prisoner Escaped

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A/N: This is not relevant to this Chapter, but I'mma put it here anyways.

Luna 23's alias used to be "Camo Chameleon" but it has changed to "Camo Salamander".


[Space - Large Plumber's Ship]

Rook is seen flying a large Plumber's ship, towards the Incarcecon also known as the Intergalactic Detention Center.

"We're in position for final approach, Warden K'dak." Rook informed.

Luna is in his Human Form, and sitting at his seat, which is between Rook and another seat that belongs to Ben. Spark is sitting on his shoulder.

"Hold on, Plumber." Warden K'dak said, he appears on screen. "We've been evacuating this prison for a week. Last convoy's leaving now, then Incarcecon is all yours." He told Rook.

"I don't see why we have to empty out a whole prison for just one guy." Ben said, walking towards his partners.

"Yeah, why are we clearing out the prison for the most dangerous intergalactic alien warlord and conqueror. It's not like he's gonna be able to do anything, right?" Luna sarcastically said, with a deadpan expression looking at the Omnitrix Wielder.

"Luna's right." Max said, as he appears on screen. "Ben, you of all people should know that we can't trust your guest around anybody else." He stated.

"He has been quite resourceful." Rook stated.
"And dangerous. Very dangerous." Luna stated.
Spark mumbles in agreement.

"Yeah, except for the hundred times I've beaten him." Ben said.

"After you and your security team lock him up and leave, the whole sector will be off-limits to space traffic." Max told the group. "Everything will be automated, down to the food synthesizers. He'll be in total solitary confinement no one around for him to bribe, blackmail, or beat up." He stated.

Ben went towards the window, where the other side is a room where Vilgax is being restraint.

"Am I supposed to be flattered by all this?" Vilgax, questioned.

"Believe me, Vilgax, I don't like it any more than you do." Ben said.

"And believe me, Tennyson, once I am free of this encumbrance, you'll like it even less." Vilgax threatened.

Ben just yawns, not affected by Vilgax's threat.

As the convoys with prisoners in them were all being evacuated, the group who are sending Vilgax there are still moving towards the Incarcecon.

"Initiating docking procedure... now." Rook said, tapping on a screen.

"Remember, once you cross into the prison's blackout field, all communication is blocked, so if you're in trouble, you'll be on your own." Max reminded.

"Don't worry, Mr. Max. We'll be careful." Luna told him.

"No sweat. We'll drop off squid face and be on our way in no time." Ben reassured, placing a hand on both Rook and Luna's shoulders.

Suddenly the ship was being attacked. Ben fell. While Rook and Luna were still at their seats.

"Deflectors, begin charging!" Luna said, he starts charging up the ship's deflector.

"Will that take long?!" Ben asked, as the ship continues to shake.

"Unfortunately, yes." Rook said, as the ship was damaged more.

As the ship is quickly descending into the Incarcecon.

The steering wheel short-circuits, it went back into the console. And out came a joystick and a button,

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