S2|Chapter Eighteen: Exploding Moon

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A/N: I've just found out that, Zed has only gotten her name when Kevin adopted her, so I will not be using her name for a while.

Also, do you guys think the song "Heather" by Conan Gray fits Kasey?


[Undertown - Proto-TRUK]

In Undertown, our heroes Ben, Rook, Luna and Spark are in the Proto-TRUK, as the four were patrolling.

Luna is in his Human Form, and has his hood down.

"Ugh! This patrol is a real yawn fest." Ben said, bored.

"There are festivals for yawning?" Rook asked, not understanding the expression.

"It means "I'm bored."" Ben told the Revonnahgander.

Luna laughed a bit. "Cute." He said, smiling. Spark stays silent, sitting on the Half-Human's shoulder.

Rook blushes, continuing looking at the road.

Ben begins pressing on random buttons in the Proto-TRUK. And the Proto-TRUK starts doing random things.

"Would you please stop that?" Rook said to Ben. He leans forward due to his seat, and pressing onto the horn, before retracting.

"Please, stop." Luna told the Omnitrix Wielder.

"Can't help it. When I'm bored, I fiddle." Ben casually said.

The Proto-TRUK went into its spaceship form, and changed back to its truck form. The Omnitrix Wielder pressed on another button, and speed-boosted the Proto-TRUK.

The group were leaning into their seats, due to the speed.

"It is a wonder you have not destroyed the Omnitrix with your "fiddling"." Rook said to Ben. He steps on the brake, stopping the Proto-TRUK.

Rook leans forward.
The Revonnahgander outstretched his arm, stopping Luna from hitting the windscreen.
Spark was holding onto the Half-Human's jacket.
Ben's face hits the windscreen.

"Honestly." Luna said, agreeing with what Rook had said, shaking his head a bit.

"Actually, I have. More than once." Ben told the two.

"Why am I not surprised." Luna said, shaking his head.

Ben raised a finger, about to press on another button.

"Perhaps we could pass the time more constructively with conversation." Rook suggested, stopping Ben from pressing more buttons. "We have been partners for a while now, yet we barely know the first thing about one another." He said.

"What do you want to know?" Ben asked. "Favorite color? Favorite food? Hobbies?" He listed.

"Green, chili fries, collecting something called "sumo slammers."" Rook said. "All obvious within minutes of meeting you." He added.

"Yeah, it's not that hard to tell." Luna said. Spark nodded in agreement.

"Right. You want more personal stuff." Ben said. "Worst fear, first crush, distinctive body marks." He listed, leaning back, resting his arms behind his head.

"Peacocks, Patty Berkenfeld 3rd grade, scar on your lower back in the shape of something called "New Jersey."" Rook listed, pointing at Ben's back.

Ben was surprised. "What?" He said, confused.

"I read your file." Rook told the Omnitrix Wielder.

"It's amazing how much you can learn from someone, just by looking into their backgrounds through the Plumbers." Luna commented.

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