Chapter Seven: Screegit

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A/N: This can sorta counts as a Custom Chapter, but it's short.

The main focus this chapter is to show Luna and Spark's new power-up. And also this chapter is based on the Episode: Have I Got a Deal for You.

I'm not sure if there is a training room in Plumbers HQ, but just so this chapter could happen, let's pretend it did. Will it ever be mentioned or used again in future chapters? Probably not.


[Plumbers HQ - Training Room]

In the training room, inside of Plumbers HQ.

Luna is seen standing in the middle of the room. He is in his Human Form, and wearing his signature outfit. Spark is sitting on his right-shoulder.

Luna went into his pocket, and got out an object that looks like a phone, with his right hand. "You ready, Spark?" He asked, looking at the Megawhatt on his shoulder.

Spark made a noise of agreement, and nodded his head. He stood up, and zipped into the phone that Luna was holding.

Soon, Spark's red eyes appeared on the phone's scree. The Megawhatt squealed in happiness, and the phone starts to float leaving Luna's hand, floating in the air.

Luna giggled a bit. "How does the Multi-Tool feel, Spark?" He asked, looking at Spark.

Spark squealed in happiness, he is inside the Multi-Tool and floats around Luna.

The Multi-Tool is designed by Blukic and Driba. The name "Multi-Tool" came from Luna, it was heavily inspired by Rook's Proto-Tool.

Currently Luna is testing out the Multi-Tool, since it starts being developed when Spark officially joins. It was also a suggestion from Max, saying that so Luna doesn't have to keep relying on his Necrofriggian abilities to protect himself.

"Ready to begin?" Luna asked Spark, who gave the half-human a thumbs-up emoji. He looks towards the front. "Training begin!" He said.

The room's systems begins to operate from Luna's command. "Training preparation begins, Archery." The system said.

Targets appeared against the wall, that is in front of Luna. The targets covered the entire wall.

"Spark, Bow Mode." Luna said. Spark made a noise, and begins to change.

The Multi-Tool's sides extends out, turning into the limbs of the bow.
The top part extends out, turning into a head of an arrow.
The bottom part extends out, changing into the bottom part of an arrow.

The one main difference between the Multi-Tool: Bow Mode, and other bows. Is that, the Multi-Tool doesn't have a string attaching to the limbs.

Luna grabs the grip with his left hand, since the grip is on the left limb.

At that time, Rook enters the training room, he was there to inform Luna on an alien Ben met, Professor Blarney T. Hokestar. "Excuse me, Luna-" The Revonnahgander stopped, when he saw the half-human standing in the room, with a bow in hand.

Luna pulls the bottom of the arrow, that is sticking out from the bottom of the Multi-Tool, and pulls back. Spark made a noise, as the Multi-Tool begins to power up, and a white-colored electricity covers the head of the arrow.

"Preparation complete." The system said "Training starts in 3... 2... 1... Now!"

Luna begins firing a barrage of arrows at the targets that are on the walls. Pulling and releasing, to charge up an arrow and sends it flying.

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