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[now playing: nothing- bruno major]

Pale pink Sakura blossoms floated through the air outside of Shujin academy and idle chatter meshed with the uplifted spirits of fresh graduates. A band of unlikely friends stood near the entrance of the school gates, surrounding two of the graduates.

"Congratulations on graduating, you two!" Ann cheered through teary eyes.

Haru smiled. "Mm, thanks!"

"Makoto's last big speech as council president got me all teared up. . . That was such a nice ceremony."

"Hey, lemme see," Ryuji prodded, looking at Makoto's graduation certificate tube. Hesitantly, the girl handed it over, confused as the rest. Gripping it in his fist, he pulled the top off, creating the loudest popping noise possible, before placing the top back on. "You gotta do that to be officially graduated!"

Futaba sighed deeply. "Aren't you feeling even a bit sentimental?"

"This year really flew by, didn't it?" Makoto asked.

"We made so many memories together. . . I might even remember those better than what we did in school," Haru said.

Ann crossed her arms, looking downwards. "Yeah, but it is gonna suck not seeing you two at school anymore. . ."

"Don't worry," Futaba joined in. "I'll be attending here starting in April."

"For real?" Ryuji exclaimed.

"I'll be bringing the lunches, so you better get psyched! Sojiro's gonna teach me how to cook!"

"Man! I can't believe I'm missing out on those lunches!" A voice called from behind the group. Everyone turned to watch (Y/N) and Akechi walk up to the group.

"Miss 'Early Graduate,' I believe this is your doing," Akira joked.

(Y/N) dropped her jaw before smacking him on the back of the head. "Europe called. They wanted me more than Shujin did and those opportunities don't stick around forever, you know." The girl shook her head with a smile. "What's next? Morgana's joining high school, too? How about Yusuke transferring over?"

Morgana hummed in contemplation. "Maybe I should become a high-schooler."

"That would be fun!" Ann exclaimed.

Immediately following Ann's words, Yusuke spoke up. "Perhaps I should also transfer to Shujin. . ."

Akechi nudged my side. "It looks like you started something."

"Makoto-senpai! Haru-senpai!" Kasumi called, running in this direction. "Congratulations on graduating!"

"You came to the ceremony!" Haru said, a little surprised.

"I wanted to tell you. . . in person. . ."

"Thank you," Makoto replied.

"I have an idea- why don't we take a group picture?" Haru asked.

"I can take the photo," Akechi said, making himself known to the group.

"Akechi-kun! We haven't seen you since the pep rally." Makoto hesitated, before asking, "What are your plans after high school?"

"I'm thinking about going freelance. Considering how busy I've been up to now, I think I've earned at least a year or so of taking it easy." Akechi smiled, before laying a hand on (Y/N)'s back, bringing her closer. "It'll also make things easier to travel with her, wherever she goes."

"Alright, everybody. Let's get together for this photo!" (Y/N) said, trying to hide the embarrassment of Akechi's words.

When the group was gathered together, Akechi held up a hand to signal he was taking the photo, but a man in a paperboy cap took our attention away from the camera. "Would you rather I take that for you?" The man gestured towards Akechi joining the group. "You're all friends, right?"

Dissonant Harmony [G. Akechi x Reader]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin