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The day of the class field trip came a lot sooner than I thought it would. Deep sighs of annoyance filled the air around me as the lady leading us around described the most obvious things. 

When we got to the studio where the talk-show was being produced, she continued on a tangent about how they got sponsors for their production and anything relating towards their sponsors.

I was already bored of the topics that were all self-explanatory, so I stood in the back to stay away from the possibility of getting called out. Besides, it's not like anyone up front was worth standing next to.

". . .I suppose you could say it's the place where the scheduling is determined," the woman concludes.

Oh my gosh, I had no idea the scheduling department is where the scheduling is determined.

"Could this get any more obvious?" I hear Takamaki ask. The blonde stands in front of me next to her friends Sakamoto and Kurusu.

Kurusu mumbles a response I didn't hear and Takamaki ends up yawning in response.

The woman's presentation continues on in the background but I've lost all interest in listening. I consider a cat popping out of Kurusu's bag to be of more interest anyways.

Wait, a cat?

"Hey, how much longer does this go?" a voice asks.

I don't recognize the voice. Quickly, I look around without making a scene to see if there's someone that could match that voice. None of the other people around matched the voice. The only possibility. . .

It can't be the cat.

But I guess anything's possible if such a thing like the Metaverse exists.

Watching the cat carefully, I don't realize a man in a suit walking through. He rams straight into me and I end up running into Takamaki in the process. Kurusu was also affected by this and I heard the cat's cries again.

"What's going on here? I can't stand the noise!" The man complains.

"Hey assho-" Sakamoto starts.

The woman quickly apologizes and starts up a hands-on experience. Everyone was broken into small groups.

"Dammit, who does that jerk think he is?"

I watch as a younger man in a blue hoodie eyes Takamaki closely. "Hey there. Do you wanna be on tv?"

"Huh?" Takamaki realizes the question was directed at her.

"You got a slammin' bod, after all." He begins to laugh at the thought.

"Uh, I'm on a school trip."

"Just give me a call if you're interested. I'd greatly welcome a message from you, day or night." He passes her a card.

I roll my eyes. That was obviously a callout for other things.

". . . I'll yank their dirty hearts out," Sakamoto finished.

The voice comes back conveniently as the cat comes more out of the bag. "Will you quiet down? You're supposed to be acting like good students today!"

The cat's gone yet again within seconds as Kawakami-sensei comes over to scold the two boys. This did not go unnoticed by the man in blue, and he called upon Sakamoto and Kurusu to do the work the man clearly didn't want to do.

Unluckily enough, one of the tv producers recognized me as the winner of the Maihou Competition, and they were trying to convince me to do an interview at some point. I tried declining, but they seemed pretty adamant. 

Dissonant Harmony [G. Akechi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now