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From this point on, there will be 3rd semester spoilers. I'd say read at your own discretion or go finish the game, but I've kinda already spoiled Akechi's gimmick to someone so????

(Y/N)'s POV

Sunbeams sliced through the parted curtains waking me from what felt like the longest sleep I've had in a long time. Coming to, I realized I was comfortably nestled into a warm set of arms in nothing more than a large t-shirt. Wincing, my body ached like I had fought for my life. . . but that wasn't possible.

Rolling over, I look up to see a familiar pair of red-brown eyes looking back at me, the owner having a bright smile.

"Good morning, (Y/N)," Akechi greeted. "Did you sleep well?"

Nodding my head, I worked up the ability to speak. "I had the strangest dream. . ."

"Do you remember what it was about?"

"I- I just remember fighting a carbon copy evil you. . . and then sacrificing myself in place of you, Akira, and the rest of our friends." Burrowing my head into his chest, I added, "It- the pain. The pain of it all felt so real. . . I really felt like I had died in those moments."

Akechi furrowed his brow, humming at my words as reassurance. "That sounds like quite the nightmare; but, it's just a dream. None of that really happened." He began to rub my back as another method of comfort.

It felt too real to ignore. How could I come up with something that elaborate in a dream!?

"You're likely just tired from all the stress." Akechi released his hold on me, standing up to walk across the room. Turning and winking at me, he added, "Yesterday was hectic moving you in."

"I moved in," I repeated to myself.

"Yes," Akechi drawled, eyeing me carefully. Taking his leave to make some breakfast, I was left alone in what I assumed was his bedroom.

Why is it so hard for me to remember doing any of this?

In a rush to figure things out, I grabbed my phone, frantically checking for anything that could provide the answers to my never ending questions. There wasn't much other than a few messages I had a few from my parents, who asked if I had everything I needed while also pressuring me to come home with the normal empty-nester parenting methods.

Wait. . . it's January 2nd? Last thing I remember. . . what is the last thing I remember?

My head roared as if telling me to stop thinking too hard about any of it. I broke from my stupor and knew the only way to figure things out was to explore my surroundings and see if anyone else had the same weird dream. Clearly, Akechi had no clue what I was talking about, or he had chosen to ignore it.

"Well," I said with a sigh, standing from the bed, "there's no time to start like the present."

Everywhere I walked, there was a tranquility I hadn't experienced in the busier streets of Shibuya before. The activity was still there, but no one seemed to be troubled with anything.

Is it because of the new year?

I shook my head and continued walking. Even though LeBlanc looked the same, I couldn't smell the usual coffee and curry. Instead, the remnants of a New Year's feast.

I was rooted to my place. Fear started to settle in my gut, and with every slight change I noticed, the more off-kilter I felt. It was as if I was looking between two similar pictures vaguely being able to stop the differences.

Taking a deep breath in, I laid my hand on the door handle and pulled, knowing if I didn't do it now I never would. Not even wanting to notice the differences in my closest friends, I kept my head lower, just barely able to see the people around me.

Dissonant Harmony [G. Akechi x Reader]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя