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Moving deeper into the Palace continued to raise more questions about Maruki's plans for this world. Yoshizawa-chan's memories began to pop up on stadium-sized screens.

She hesitated at the sight. "I'd mentioned to you that I've lost a family member, right? But, how was this video-" Yoshizawa doubled over in pain, clutching her head just as I had done a few fights prior.

"Are you okay?" Akira and I voiced similar concerns.

"I'm sorry. . . I don't know what's been wrong with me lately. I've been getting this feeling, like. . . like I need to remember something, but at the same time, I oughtn't remember it. . ."

"Sounds like you've got a bad case of dissociative amnesia to me," I mumbled, hoping she wouldn't hear. "Are you good to keep walking? We're not gonna solve this feeling if we don't keep going."

The blinding white light carried us further, and I almost felt like we were being watched. Not only did the tinted glass aid this resolve, but something else had to be there.

"No cameras," I said aloud. "Is anyone else getting the feeling we're being watched?"

Yoshizawa-chan shook her head, clearly still rattled, but Akira nodded in agreement. "I'm glad I'm not the only one that felt it.

We moved into a hallway lined with the same poster, words chanting at each speaker box: happiness, health.

"Big brother, anyone?" Akira joked.

Pushing open the doors and waiting at the end, we entered a stadium-style room. It's the first room in the entire building with a dark color scheme. Towards the center of the room, a platform remained

"This place is enormous. . . What could this room be?" Yoshizawa asked. Grunting, she crouched down again in pain.

Whatever she's facing, it must be pretty bad.

"I- I can't stop thinking about that video we saw."

I sighed. "The one about your sister?"

"Yes," she confirmed, before turning to Akira. "Let's keep pushing forward. I need to find out why that was shown to me!"

Another shadow stepped up to stop us, using the same spiel as the rest.

"Who is your Ruler? Why do you all think you know so much about me!?" The shadow materialized into some kind of dragon beast pair. "If you won't give me an answer, then I'll just force my way through!"

Does she really think that's the most effective method?

Akira and I stood back and watched as she lay hit after hit, none of them leaving a single mark on the shadow.

"I mean, she's good at flipping," I quipped to Akira. Sighing, I walked up beside her, while she was a panting mess. "You know, if you didn't rush into things and calmed down, these dudes might already be on the floor. Just. . . follow my lead."

She watched closely as I sent an attack their way, before she followed suit. Both fell to the ground and our fight was over.

"See? It just takes a bit-"

"Such a fool, rejecting our lord's mercy. . ." The shadow remained hunched over on his spear. "In that case- witness it for yourself."

I snapped my head around at the sound of applause back in the main room. An interviewer of some kind hyped up the crowd, eliciting more cheers. Another one of Yoshizawa-chan's memories was brought to life, though this time fully projected. Her sister, who claimed the name Kasumi, was thanking her sister, Sumire, for being there to take her this far in her gymnastics career.

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