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My brain the entire time I was formatting this chapter in my head consisted of whether or not y'all would care if I just didn't write the 4th letter of introduction (IT tech dude). Exam season has made me too exhausted to care :l

(Y/N)'s POV

After a day of hard work in Shido's Palace, the thing you'd expect me to be doing would be sleeping it off until my alarm blares for the next day. Instead, I was trudging through the bleak weather in the middle of Shinjuku.

Not even the prostitutes take a break when it gets rainy.

And I was wrong. The same men and women were surrounding the businesses they worked for, trying to get anyone to take them up on any kinds of pleasure. Keeping my head straight-forward tended to get me through, though tonight I seemed to be off my guard.

A hand latched right above my own on my umbrella. "You seem a little lost out here. Do you need any help?"

"No, to be quite honest, I've been to this area often enough to know my way around, and the people not to associate with," I said, looking up with the brightest smile possible. The young adult, however, did not look too phased by my snarky comment. "If you wouldn't mind, I've got somewhere to be. I'm not all that interested in your services. Maybe try again tomorrow!"

They smiled crookedly, and tutted, "Aw, but tomorrow's only a few hours away! Why wait for something so delicious?"

I yanked my umbrella from their hand and the rain spewed down onto them within seconds. "No thanks. You might want to think before you corner a minor anyways. . . wouldn't wanna get caught in a lawsuit, now would we?"

They stuttered awkwardly as I walked away, but I was already late to a prior arrangement and could care less. Flicking my watch upwards, I noticed I was actually quite late.

Stupid Makoto taking forever in the Palace.

Huffing into the freezing December air, I waddled the rest of the way to Crossroad, and hurried through the door.

"Welcome," Lala said brightly. "Glad you're back. . . I'm sure you know the rules."

I smiled, "Yeah, yeah. No alcohol until I'm old enough to have fun with you."

A chuckle came from the back of the room from a guest in a booth.

"Honey, is he with you?"

"That's the one!" I said with a nod.

Lala hummed in warning. She slammed my normal beverage on the table and pointedly glanced in his direction. "You sure do have interesting taste. . . but I guess it holds in appearance."

I smiled, laughing slightly, before making my way over to the booth in the back. Once I confirmed Lala was minding her own business again, I turned towards the male. "It's good to see you again, Akechi."

"Man, I wouldn't have heard that leave your lips just a few months ago," Akechi retorted playfully.

"Well, time can heal some wounds. . . it leaves you time to reflect, ya know?"

"Oh, I know the feeling."

"So how goes it under the reign of 'The Great Shido-sama?'" I asked, swirling around my drink. "I'm sure it's just riveting working with him as the elections draw near."

Akechi rolled his eyes. "I didn't know he could get any worse. I'm honestly quite ready to knock his ass off the podium, even if it's just in the Metaverse."

"Do you ever wonder how much he's playing us as well, though? I'm a little concerned he knows we're both backstabbers just waiting for the moment to knock him down." I rubbed my shoulders at a passing chill.

Dissonant Harmony [G. Akechi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now