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Making my way out of the subway, I was almost immediately able to spot a familiar face: Akira was not too far ahead of me making his way in the same direction towards the dreaded return school.

Calling out to him, I said, "Yo Akira!"

He paused to let me catch up and gave me a small good morning. I think we're all a bit tired after not having to get up this early in over a month.

"I know we saw each other yesterday, but was your summer good?"

He nods his head.

"Looks like you have an amazing group to spend it with," I added with a chuckle.

"You're welcome to join us any time; they liked having you around." Akira shifted the weight of his bag.

I heard the cat speak up in a higher pitched voice, "Just be careful to not drop the bomb that we're the Phantom Thieves! That would be a mess. . ."

I cough into my shoulder to hide my surprise. I had my suspicions every since I noticed who happened to be in the group, but I wouldn't have just come out with it like that. Then again, the cat doesn't know I can hear him.

Akira put a hand on my shoulder to check if I was alright. I gave him a nod and reached back for my water bottle, taking a sip to hide any chance that he would recognize I heard what the cat said.

"Allergies, am I right?" I threw out.

He smiled my way and we continued walking.

"I can't believe school is starting again. . ." One of two boys conversing said. "It's not like I did much this summer anyways. Just stayed in and played videogames."

"Nothing you coulda done would have beat the Phantom Thieves!" The second said. "Hacking Medjed back and all the other stuff- it was totally nuts!" 

"Everyone online was waiting for the deadline to hit. People sure do love the Phantom Thieves."

"Speaking of the Phantom Thieves. Did you see they added a ton of stuff the Phansite? There was options to rank people-"

I looked up at Akira again. "I forgot about the whole Medjed fiasco. Most of my focuses were elsewhere this summer."

"How was the piano competition?" He asked. "Wasn't that in the middle of August?"

"Yeah, it was. I'm surprised you remembered. I did well and will be moving on to other competitions around Japan, maybe even Europe again next break."

"Woah, Europe."

"I really hope one's in Germany this time. I really like it there," I said crossing my fingers.

I get another smile in response and we head straight to class in silence.

"Alright, let's begin homeroom." Kawakami-sensei announces. The class quiets as we listen in to any announcements. "Let's see. We just got back from summer vacation, but starting next Monday is the school trip."

I look across the room, over by the window to see Akira and Ann chatting quietly. I kind of wish I was over there.

Kawakami-sensei sighs, gaining my attention once again. "You students are so lucky. You get an entire month off for summer and you get to go to Hawaii too."

I really wanted to point out the obvious that she was going as well.

"Make sure that none of you cut loose too much, okay? That concludes homeroom."

After she steps out, I make my way over to where Akira and Ann are sitting.

Overhearing Ann, she states, "School trip, huh? I guess we won't be able to act as- oh hey (Y/N)!"

Dissonant Harmony [G. Akechi x Reader]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora