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GUYS MY TEACHER JUST TOLD ME I COULD PLAY CHOPIN'S BALLADE NO. 1 IN G MINOR THIS YEAR- I am extremely happy. I have wanted to learn this piece for years and she told me today that I could start preparing it for my senior program next year.

Akechi's POV

"Sorry for dragging you out here," I commented absentmindedly to Akira.

We were currently standing next to a brightly lit gaming console in an arcade. As I explained to Akira why this idea had come to my head in the first place, I realized (Y/N) would've loved coming here with me instead of him.

". . . Apparently it's a pretty hardcore shooter game," I concluded.

He stayed quiet, like always.

That was always one thing that annoyed the hell out of me. Was he judging me at every glance? Figuring out how to take me down?

Well, two can play at that game. After almost every single way of competition I've held against him, he's followed a simple and recognizable pattern. This is mainly why I reign supreme almost every time.

I'd like to consider the once in a blue moon occasions when he does to be pure luck.

"I played these all the time," Akira commented slyly.

I let a smirk fall across my face and asked, "Oh, maybe you've played this one before? I can only ask that you go easy on me."

I knew he would never go easy on me. 

The game started up and I watched Akira struggled to aim properly, wasting many of the bullets on useless attempts. His movements were jerky and I could tell he was nervous.

"Damn, that's some accuracy. That guy with the brown hair isn't wasting a single shot," A random dude exclaimed. "Glasses isn't doing bad either, but he's definitely loosing ground. . ."

The round was over faster than I would've thought and we put the plastic guns down.

"Phew! My fingers are going to be sore tomorrow," I started. "What a realistic game."

"What, are you saying you've shot a gun before, Akechi?" Akira asked.

"Ah, you noticed? Well, I'm going to need all the practice I can get if I'm going to take you out."

Confusion laced his expression and I was quick to lay down it was only a joke. . . somewhat.

"Why does it still feel like you're lying. . ."

I laughed at this and he slowly joined in, still not truly believing my words.

"You know, this does bring back a little bit of nostalgia." I moved the conversation away. "I used to have a toy gun when I was younger and it reminds me of when I'd run around the house playing hero."

"I bet that was super cute." Akira shifted his weight as if uncomfortable with his next comment. "I'm sure (Y/N) sees you as her hero as well."

I chuckled dryly, taken back by the mention of her. "No, not anymore."

"Oh? What happened?"

"We- we got into an argument and won't be seeing each other anymore."

I'm glad a gun wasn't resting in his hand at the moment because Akira did not look happy.

"Look, I'm going to need a little more than that. The two of you were doing so well up until now. What changed so drastically that made you two split?"

"My sense of justice seems to differ quite heavily from her own." I took steps away from him, feeling the growing tension. "My ideals are logical, and hers are much more based around the heart."

Dissonant Harmony [G. Akechi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now