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Not that many of you care but I cannot get over this interpretation of Black Mask like why is this costume interpretation way better!? Anyways, that's how I will always picture him. Credit goes to the amazing raedreams (instagram account) and you should give them a follow!

(Y/N)'s POV

"Well, the Phantom Thieves're back together! We can finally take it to Akechi and the bastard backin' him!" Ryuji shouted.

"Have you figured out who's behind it all?" Boss asked from behind the counter.

Futaba was quick to respond. "Akechi accidentally let that slip after the murder. He said, 'Shido-san.'"

I looked down at those words, shuddering at the name that had controlled my life since I started working with Akechi.

"Shido. . ." Ryuji trailed off. "Feels like I've heard that somewhere."

"N-no shit, Sherlock. With those strong connections to the police, it's gotta be the Shido running for prime minister," I said, surprised my voice only shook slightly.

"You mean Masayoshi Shido?" Boss questioned.

Ann shifted in her chair to face Boss. ". . . Who?"

"I believe he's a politician. . . Remember, Ryuji? You said his speech was too loud," Makoto commented.

"For real!?" Ryuji exclaimed.

"Oh, c'mon guys," I started. "Who else would it be? If this is who you're going to speculate it to be, I can just confirm it for you right here and now." Shifting in my seat, I made eye contact with Akira. "I mean, I worked under him for almost a year."

"That would line up with multiple theories that fit the book. . . Especially in order to thrive in the upcoming election," Sae said.

"We'll make him have a change of heart, no matter what it takes," Haru said reassuringly.

Boss turned to look me in the eyes. "Well aren't you quite the anomaly to Shido's normal tastes. He normally kills people that get in his way, especially ones that betray. I've always had a hunch that's what happened to Wakaba."

"I've got one thing keeping me alive: Akechi. Somehow he's got Shido convinced that I'm not doing anything and I think part of it's the fact that Akechi's fulfilling his part of their agreements."

Grim looks passed amongst the group.

Sae broke the silence, saying, "I never thought all of this," she waved her hands around, "would be connected. The mental shutdowns, psychotic breakdowns, Shido, and even the Phantom Thieves' actions. . ."

"Way back when, Shido always said he'd be prime minister. Nobody ever believed him though," Boss commented.

Ann sighed, "What's going to happen to this country if Shido becomes prime minister? What about the world?"

"The issue is simpler than that," Yusuke said, throwing his arm out. "This is nothing more than yet another selfish adult trying to impose his will on the public."

"We gotta expose that rotten bastard!" Ryuji exclaimed.

Pulling out his phone, Akira commented that he was going to pull up the Nav to see if Shido popped up there. Biting my lip, I awaited them to come to the same conclusion I did many months ago.

As soon as the hit went through, the guessing began. A location was needed in order to enter the Metaverse, and that just so happened to be the Diet Building.

"Our next target's the big-shot politician Masayoshi Shido. We're gonna do this, right?" Ryuji asked.

"We have to," Akira said with a small nod.

Dissonant Harmony [G. Akechi x Reader]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن