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Akechi's POV

The familiar song of (Y/N)'s ringtone filled the quiet office I was currently in. A case had been left incomplete, and I was asked to finish it up.

Smiling, I picked up the phone. "Hello, (Y/N)!"

Silence greeted me on the other end.

"Is- is something the matter?"

I heard a deep breath on the other end. "Akechi, we need to talk."

"Now?" I shuffled through the papers in front of me, trying to wait on a response. When none came, I continued. "Do you want to speak in person?"

"Yes," She said, voice wavering. "Come to the station?"


A loud round of beeping confirmed my suspicions that she had hung up immediately after.

A sigh escaped my lips and I realized just how nervous I had become. She'd never been like this before, so I knew this wouldn't be a good conversation.

Running a hand through my hair, I used the other to clean up the desk. I slipped the unfinished case into my briefcase and locked up the desk.

The air in my chest felt constricted the closer I got to our normally designated spot.

Why was I nervous? Everything's fine, it has to be. Nothing could've happened. She just got back from Hawaii, so maybe she just misses me?

I spotted the familiar (h/c) hair at a distanced and hurried my steps.

Once I was seen, she mustered up a small smile and opened her arms for our normal greeting.

I took a deep breath to inhale the familiar lavender scent she always wore and closed my eyes in the moment. Her presence calmed me instantly and I was glad she was doing well enough for a hug.

Opening my eyes I was greeted with quite the surprise. The world was swirling into the reds and blacks associated with only one thing: the Metaverse.

"(Y/N)?" My voice trailed away as things settled into place.

Our outfits were changed and as soon as she took the few needed steps back, a sob emitted from her being.

I reached for her hands again, but she took even more steps back.

She moved her hands towards her hair and mumbled, "Shido-san was right. . ."

"Wait, you spoke to Shido? When?"

She didn't answer me, so I continued to lessen the distance between us. As expected, she continued to back up until she hit a wall. My mask left her a little breathing room and I almost took it off entirely, feeling too far away.

"Answer me," I insisted a little rougher than I should have. She shuddered slightly in our close proximity. "Please. . ."

"I saw him this afternoon while visiting Arima-sensei. He- he wouldn't let me leave." (Y/N) looked up at me before quickly lowering her head, as if I was too hard to look at.

"Well, Arima-san was there, right? Why didn't he do anything?"

"He couldn't! I'm apparently not the only one that's scared of that man!"

Groaning in frustration, I pushed off of the wall and paced the small platform. When I looked back in her direction, she was crouching on the floor, knees adjacent to her chest.

"Shido even uses his friends to achieve what he needs," I said with a scoff. "That bastard-"

"Finding out about you wasn't the only thing he told me. Well, more like asked."

Dissonant Harmony [G. Akechi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now